Tourism Belitung Island Belitung, Belitung Travel Package
Belitung Island
Belitung , or Belitong (the local language, named after a type of sea snail ), formerly known as Billiton is an island off the east coast of Sumatra , Indonesia , flanked by the Gaspar Strait and the island of Borneo . The island is famous for its white pepper (Piper sp.) Are in the local language called sahang , and mining of mineral-C type such as tin ( Stannuum) , quartz sand, white clay (kaolin), and granite. And lately become an alternative tourism destination. The island was formerly owned by the United Kingdom ( 1812 ), before being converted to the Netherlands , along Bengkulu , with Singapore and New Amsterdam (now part of New York ). The main town is Tanjung Pandan .
Belitung Island is divided into two districts namely Belitung province , capital is Tanjung Pandan , and East Belitung , capitalized manggar .
Most of the population, especially those living in coastal areas, is very familiar with the rich marine life with the fish. Many processed foods made from fish into the daily diet of the population. The richness of the sea became a source of livelihood Belitung. Natural resources are not less important to people's lives is Belitung tin. Tin mining has been started since the days of the Dutch East Indies .
Belitung Island population is mainly ethnic Malays (speaking dialects Belitung) and ethnic Chinese Hokkien and Hakka .
Geographically the island of Belitung (Indonesia; Belitong) is located
at 107 ° 31,5 '- 108 ° 18' east longitude and 2 ° 31,5'-3 ° 6.5 'south
latitude. Overall size of
the island of Belitung reach 4800 or 480 010 km north of West ha.Pulau
bounded by the South China Sea, east by the strait GULF, south by the
Java Sea and the west by the Strait of Gaspar . Around the island there are small islands such as Pulau Mendanau, Kalimambang, Gresik, Seliu and others.
History Belitung
Belitung island is experiencing some rulers. At the end of the 7th century, Belitung province was listed as the kingdom of Srivijaya and Majapahit start when successful in 1365, the island became one of the bastions of the kingdom. Only in the 15th century, Billiton gained rights administration. But even then not for long, because when Palembang ruled by the Al II, the island was soon to be conquered Palembang . [1]
Since the 15th century in the West, that the government has established a
Government Badau with Datuk Mayang Geresik as the first king. The headquarters is located in the vicinity of today's passage. The area covers an area of its control Badau, Ibul, Bange, Bentaian, Simpang Tiga, to Buding, manggar and Suspension. Some
historical relics showing the remains of the royal Badau, a 13 berlok
spear, dagger, sword, gong, trickle, and rakes apostles. These relics can be found in the Museum Badau. [1]
The second is the Government of the Kingdom Beams. King first descendant of Javanese peers of Islamic Mataram kingdom
named Masud or Kiai Kiai Agus Agus Ja'kub Gedeh, which holds Depati Doom I and reigned from 1618 to 1661. Furthermore,
the government is run by Kiai Agus Mending or Depati Doom II
(1661-1696), who moved the seat of government of the Old Beams to an
area that became known Balok Baru. Furthermore governmental held by Kiai Agus Britney called Depati Doom III. [1]
In the reign of Depati Doom III, Belitung Ngabehi divided into 4 types:
- Ngabehi Badau with a degree may be the land of Judah or the Lion of Judah;
- Ngabehi Sijuk with a degree may be victims or Manners Juda Juda;
- Ngabehi Buding with a degree Ngabehi Palace Juda;
- Ngabehi Belantu with a degree Ngabehi Sura Juda.
Each Ngabehi This in turn decreases the kings of the last turn of the Government Beams. In 1700 Depati Doom III died and was replaced by Kiai Agus Bustam (Depati Doom IV). In the reign of Depati Doom IV, Islam began to spread in Dublin.
Depati title Cakraningrat only be used up to the king of the 9th beam,
namely Kiai Agus Mohammad Saleh (called Depati Cakraningrat IX), because
in 1873 the title was taken by the Dutch government. Beams royal family, then that is Kiai Agus Endek (reigned 1879-1890) rank of District Chief Billiton and based in Tanjungpandan.
Third kingdom is the kingdom Belantu, which is part of the territory of the Kingdom Ngabehi Beams. The first king is Datuk Ahmad (1705-1741), whose title Datuk Mempawah. Meanwhile, the last king named KA. Umar.
Government or the last four that once stood is Buding Government, which is part of the Government Beams. King named Datuk hazelnut Wali missing. Of the four governments that have been mentioned above, the Government Beam is the largest ever government in Dublin. [1]
Dutch-Japanese occupation period
In the 17th century, Belitung Island became a haven trade and the merchants. Of the many merchants, the most influential is the Chinese merchants and Arabic . This can be evidenced from pottery
dating from the Ming Dynasty of the 14th century until the 17th, which
are found in layers of tin mining in the area Kepenai, Buding, and Coconut Kampit . Based on the records of Chinese historians named Fei Hsin (1436). Meanwhile,
the Chinese people know the West because in 1293, the Chinese traders
in to Belitung Island circa 1293. A Chinese fleet led by Shi Pi, Ike and
Khau Hsing Mise who are traveling to the island of Java stranded in the
waters of the Pacific Islands. [1]
In addition to the nation of China , many other nations who know the island of Belitung is Dutch. In 1668, a Dutch ship named 'Zone De Zan Loper', under the leadership of Jan De Marde, arrived in Belitung. They arrived in Balok river, which at that time was the only city on the island of Belitung a crowded foreign traders. [1]
Based on the submission Tuntang on 18 September 1821, Belitung Island entered the territory of the United Kingdom
(although de facto occurred on May 20, 1812). British
Resident in Bangka, appoint a king for fools to rule on the small
island of Belitung is often the case that led popular resistance by
indigenous elders. Then
based on the decisions of the Commissioner General of the United Kingdom
dated 17 April 1817, the British surrendered to the Dutch Government
Belitung. Furthermore, on
behalf of Her Majesty the Queen of the Netherlands, was appointed a
Resident Assistant to run the government in Dublin. [1]
In 1823, a Belgian national captain named JP. De La Motte, who served as Assistant Resident and also led the Dutch army, managed to find a lead on the island. Then, after the Treaty of London
in 1850, the mine was taken over by Maatschapij Billiton, a mining company owned by the Dutch Government. At that time the West is divided into 6 regions:
- Tanjungpandan and Suspend / Lenggang which is directly under the administration Depati;
- Badau , Sijuk , Buding and Belantu which is under the administration of each Ngabehi. [2]
In 1890, the rank Ngabehi removed and replaced with the District Chief. Furthermore, there are 5 districts namely: Tanjungpandan, manggar, Buding, Jingles and Suspension . 1852 Bangka Belitung is separated from the administration and authority of mining tin . Separation is the insistence JF. Louden (head of the central administration in Batavia ), to prevent the adverse effects of the Resident of Bangka is jealous of the tin mining developed rapidly in Belitung. In the network system of government Indies , in 1921, West made a district headed by a Demat the hostages. Abdul unclean, assisted 2 Assistant Demat charge 2 onder district, the West and East Belitung Belitung. Town or village in the West was formed in 1921-1924. According to Ordinance No. 73 dated February 21, 1924, divided into 42 Gemeente Belitung. [2]
In 1933, West changed its status to the Onder-section which is ruled by a controller with the rank of Assistant Resident , who is responsible to the Resident of Afdeling Bangka - Belitung based in Bangka Island. January
1, 1939 effective date of the new rules in areas in Belitung province,
which means Belitung Island has been given the right to manage their own
regions. Of course it
affects some circumstances, for example Onder-section includes two
districts namely Belitung, Belitung District of West and East Belitung
District, each of which is headed by a Demat. [2]
Japanese troops occupied the island of Belitung in April 1944, both the district administration headed by Gunco. In early 1945, Japan established the Agency for Public Service in the Pacific Islands which assists the government. Occupation of Japan soon, the next there is a change back when the army of the Dutch
regained control of the West in 1946. At the time of Dutch rule, and
Onder-section Belitung ordered back by the Dutch Resident Assistant,
while control is retained by the district Demat which was replaced by
pronunciation Bestuurhoofd . [2]
time independence
Belitung Island as part of the Residency Bangka - Belitung, for many
years been part of Borneo Gewest, then became part Gewest Bangka -
Belitung and Riau . But this did not last long, because the rules change Belitung Island became Neolanchap. Furthermore, as a government body formed Belitung Council in 1947. In the formation of the Republic of Indonesia
(RIS), Neolanchap Belitung is a separate country, even for a case of not being state. 1950 Belitung is separated from the RIS and are incorporated in the Republic of Indonesia . Belitung Island became a district that includes the province of South Sumatra
under military rule, because at that time the South is the Special Military District. After the end of military rule, Belitung back into districts headed by a regent. [2]
On 21 November 2000, pursuant to Act No. 27 of 2000, the island of
Bangka Belitung Island along with blossom and form a new province with
the name of the Province of Bangka Belitung . The province is a province in Indonesia to 31. Based on the aspirations of the people and a variety of considerations, Belitung province is divided into two districts namely Belitung province capital in Tanjungpandan with a coverage area includes 5 sub-districts and districts of East Belitung with manggar as its capital and the coverage area includes 4 districts . [2]
the landscape
Belitung has one type of vegetation called heath forest . Heath forest is a forest that grows on sand quartz having a pH low and poor nutrition. The vegetation is typical of heath forest is a broom field ( Baeckea frutescens ), ketakong / pitcher plants ( Nepenthes gracilis ), Drosera ( Drosera burmanii ), fighting ( Tristaniopsis obovata ), play ( Eusideroxylon zwagerii ), Pasak Bumi ( Eurycoma longifolia ), and chives golf ( Fimbristylis sp.). [3] Some of the plants that live in the forest heath Belitung also has properties as a medicinal plant [4] until the destruction of the very irresponsible by perpetrators of tin mining have disastrous consequences for biodiversity and social.
Based on data from the Department of Population and Civil Registration Belitung province
, on 31 August 2013, the population amounted to 170,782 persons
Belitung province with 87,705 inhabitants compositions men (51.35%) and
83,077 females (48.65%). The number of men in the West is still higher than the number of women. Sex Ratio in Belitung is 105.57 which shows that there are 105 people who were among 100 women.
The population of East Belitung province
in 2012 of 116,356 inhabitants. It shows there has been a increase in the number of residents over the previous year by 3,041 persons or 2.7 percent. Residents
in East Belitung more males than females in which 59,913 people or
51.5% of males and the remaining 56 443 persons or 48.5% are women.
Density, Growth and Distribution of Population
The growth rate and population density varies widely among districts. This
is due to the uneven distribution of the population, where the
population is concentrated in Taniungpandan settlement, which is the
capital of Belitung province, with a population density of 258 people /
km 2 . Views
of population density, districts have the highest population density,
even four times from the district with the highest population density of
the district Sijuk . This
happens because the districts is the capital and the central Belitung
Belitung economic activity centered on trade, hotels, restaurants and
restaurants, as well as the central area of pendidikan.walaupun Tanjungpandan only 16.5% of the total area of Belitung.
There was also an increase in the density of the population, in East Belitung province in 2012 of 45.20 persons per km 2 in the 46.41 persons per km 2
diffusion uneven. It is seen from the concentration of the population in Sub manggar as its capital with a density of up to 106.01 people per km 2 , with a much bigger compared with other districts that are relatively evenly spread.
Education and Religion
Ethnic Native Belitung province are ethnic Malays who later suffered acculturation and assimilation with various other ethnic groups, namely the Malays of Riau , Palembang, Bugis , Chinese, Javanese and other ethnic groups. Culture
Malays, Chinese ethnicity, religion and beliefs brought by ethnic
Chinese have much influence on cultural patterns and patterns of social
relations Belitung province.
By religion, population Belitung province is dominated by an Islam that
is equal to 91.61%, and other religions are Buddhism as much as 6.37%,
1.02% Protestant; Catholics and Hindus 0.55% 0.45%.
Participation in continuing education from primary to secondary school
amounted to 32.17% and from junior high to high school at 70.36%. This
means that the number of children entering school to secondary school
must peningkatan.Sedangkan from junior high school to reach 70%. Public participation is graduated in Belitung 8.26% (average 343 people per year). Thus
the population of primary school enrollment rate is quite high, but the
number who went to school only 32.17%, but the junior-senior high
school reached 70%. While the number of schools do not show significant improvement.
One contributing factor is the successful development of qualified human resources. Path Through education, the government is trying to produce and improve the quality of human resources. Movement
of parents (GNOTA), compulsory 6 years extended compulsory education to
9 years, 1945 and its amendment (Article 31, paragraph 2) as well as
other educational programs is an effort of the government in order to
create human resources formidable ready to compete in the era
globalization. Improvement
of human resources is now more preferred by providing opportunities for
citizens to get education as wide as possible, especially those in the
age group 7-24 years is the school-age group.
Based on data Belitung in Figures 2012, the workforce in the District of
Columbia in 2011 amounted to 2,798 which consists of 242 people (8.65%)
have been issued and 2,556 people (91.35%) have not been placed. When
broken down by educational level of the population the largest number
of job seekers in the District of Columbia is a high school graduate in
the amount of 67.44%. The
following table shows the data of the labor force ini.Sektor agriculture
and farming, including fisheries, is still a sector that both provides
jobs for the people of Belitung. This may be because they often get into this sector does not need specific requirements. While other jobs that require skilled labor is now linked to the existing human resources Belitung province. In more detail, the following is the composition of the population according to their living Belitung province. 22.67% people of Belitung has not / does not work, and 24.74% of Belitung is a housewife. While the composition of the next biggest job was as a student / students as much as 17.72%.
The results showed that three related programs has not become
instigators of regional economic sector is supported by interest in
Belitung District residents as the eyes pencahariannya.Oleh therefore,
necessary to create the right strategy for population keen to work and
develop into three program priorities, so that readiness HR Belitung
province to take part over many more qualified to Belitung province
trilogy construction program can be met.
Chance of fulfillment is still very open since there are many people of working age. Productive
age population still can be classified into (i) a group waiting for
work, school and housewives, (ii) a working group under the minimum
standard, and (iii) a group that did not work.
The quality of human resources is essential for competition
ditingkatkan.mengingat workforce highly skilled labor will specify
whether the West can take off with three priority sectors. The relationship diagram can diiihat importance of human resource development in the District of Columbia.
From the reality of the diversity of the economy in Belitung dominated
by economic sectors that are extractive [(fisheries Sea and mining) and
the plantation sector], then jump to the trade (export kaolin, tin,
Crude Palm Oil (CPO)), then the quality of human resources in Belitung
province still needs to be improved to develop three program priorities
are: Fisheries and Maritime Affairs [Modern Fishing, Fishing
aquaculture]; Tourism and Ports.
Minimum Wage District (UMK) Islands in 2011 amounted Rp1.219.000, - an
increase of 15% compared with the previous year which only reached
Rp1.060.000, -.
Nature Belitung
Newly stone
at the foot of a steep mountain, has tremendous potential as an integrated tourist destination. The
natural beauty of both its clear river and forest dense, unique flora
and fauna, the life of the local community with central garden pineapple
and pepper, coupled with the art of traditional culture as well as the
membership of the society make woven handicraft and rattan, a potential
that if properly managed will a positive impact unusually good for the
environment and improving the welfare of the community. Stone recently only 20 minutes travel time from the city Tanjungpandan.
In March, 2012 and was conducted Soft Launching by KPLB [5] (Group of Environmental Care Belitung) with GEF [6]
(Global Environment Program) for "Sanctuary Tarsier and Nature Stone
recently." Over the years, a variety of enrichment activities continued
to head an ambition that makes Stone recently as "Wild life Sanctuary."
Wild life sanctuary is a garden sanctuary not only for Tarsier bancanus Saltator (
or in local Belitung known as "pelilean"), but also a variety of flora
and fauna that are threatened endangered and rare as badgers, birds
Siaw, squirrel line, as well as forest plants like Nibong Palay, Simpor
Male, Pelawan, Rukam, Barela, etc. Hope
this is a boost social and economic improvement of the community,
especially that close to the location of the Stone recently and
generally to increase the variety and quality of tourism desitinasi
Belitung. Various
facilities are available in Batu recently now that Outbond Area,
bancanus Saltator Tarsier breeding, natural natural baths, travel
Tubing, Jungle Trekking, restaurant with dining concept "tray" and Tend
Safari Lodge and Tree House.
- ^ A b c d e f g History Belitung , Belitung Regency Government.
- ^ A b c d e f History Belitung (Part II) , District of Columbia Government.
- ^ In Oktavia . 2013. Irony Forest Kerangas Belitung .
- ^ In Oktavia . 2012. The composition of the vegetation and Medicinal Plants in Forest Potential Kerangas East Belitung province Bangka Belitung Islands .
- ^
- ^ SGP-
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