Rambut Gimbal (Simbal)
Simbal (Si Anak Gimbal). Didataran tinggi Dieng Rambut Gimbal banyak di temui terutama pada anak-anak
kecil di Dataran Tinggi Dieng. Sebagai tanah yang dipercaya sebagai
tempat bersemayamnya para dewa, aura mistis dan berbagai mitos masih
sangat kental terasa dalam kehidupan masyarakatnya. Salah satunya yang
paling menarik adalah fenomena anak gimbal ini. Anak gimbal Dieng
terlahir normal, sama dengan anak-anak yang lainnya. Pada suatu fase,
tiba-tiba rambut mereka berubah gimbal dengan sendirinya. Berbagai
penelitian untuk menyelidiki penyebabnya secara ilmiah belum membuahkan
Masyarakat lokal meyakini bocah gimbal itu merupakan titisan dari Kyai Kolodete yang dipercaya sebagai leluhur dataran tinggi Dieng. Semasa hidupnya, Kolodete memiliki rambut gimbal. Konon ketika meninggal, beliau berpesan agar keturunannya membantu menghadapi gangguan rambut gimbal yang dirasa cukup mengganggu. Maka diwariskanlah rambut gimbal ini ke anak cucunya.
Proses terjadinya rambut gimbal di Dieng
Saat lahir, si anak gimbal punya rambut yang sama seperti anak lain. Rambut gimbal baru muncul pada usia balita. Umumnya diawali dengan gejala demam tinggi dan mengigau waktu tidur. Gejala ini tidak bisa diobati. Si anak akan sembuh dengan sendirinya, kemudian rambut mereka perlahan menjadi kusut dan menyatu sehingga terbentuklah gimbal dengan sempurna. Mau dikeramas pakai shampo apapun, tetap saja menjadi gimbal. Bahkan, sekalipun sudah dipotong, gimbal akan kembali muncul.
Selama gimbal biasanya anak tersebut cenderung lebih aktif, kuat dan agak nakal. Apabila bermain dengan sesama anak gimbal, pertengkaran cenderung sering terjadi antara mereka.
Keinginannya Harus Diturti
Rambut gimbal tidak akan selamanya bersarang di kepala si anak gimbal. Melalui sebuah prosesi, rambut ini harus dipotong karena ada kepercayaan bahwa jika dibiarkan hingga remaja maka akan membawa musibah bagi si anak dan keluarganya. Prosesi pemotongan tidak boleh sembarangan. Anak gimbal sendiri yang menentukan waktunya. Jika dia belum meminta, maka gimbal akan terus tumbuh walaupun dipotong berkali-kali. Selain ritual-ritual yang harus dilakukan, sang orang tua juga harus memenuhi permintaan anaknya. Apapun permintaan mereka, seaneh dan sesulit apapun, harus disediakan pada saat prosesi pemotongan rambut. Masyarakat percaya bahwa semua keinginannya harus dipenuhi karena kalau tidak maka si anak akan menderita sakit. Masyarakat Dieng menganggap bahwa anak gimbal adalah berkah yang akan membawa keberuntungan bagi mereka.
sumber : http://gunungpakuwaja.blogspot.com
Local people believe that a child dreadlocks drops of Kyai Kolodete believed to be the ancestors of the Dieng plateau. During his life, Kolodete have dreadlocks. It is said that when he died, he asked that his descendants help cope with the disruption dreads felt quite disturbing. So diwariskanlah dreads this to their children and grandchildren.
The process of dreads in Dieng
At birth, the child has the same hair dreadlocks like other children. Dreads emerging at the age of five. Generally begins with a high fever and delirium bedtime. These symptoms are not treatable. The child will heal by itself, then they slowly become matted hair and blend until perfectly formed dreadlocks. Shampoo wear any of them washed, nonetheless become dreadlocks. In fact, it would already be cut, gimbal will re-appear.
During the gimbal usually children tend to be more active, strong and somewhat mischievous. When playing with other children, gimbal, arguments tend to occur frequently between them.
Must desire Diturti
dreadlocks will not forever lodged in the child's head gimbal. Through a procession, the hair should be cut because there is a belief that if left to teenagers, it will bring disaster for the child and family. Procession cuts can not be arbitrary. Gimbal own child that determines the time. If he does not ask, it will continue to grow dreadlocks even cut many times. In addition to the rituals to be performed, the parents must also meet their demand. Whatever their request, as weird and difficult as any, must be provided at the time of the procession of cutting hair. People believe that all his wishes be fulfilled because otherwise the child will suffer. Dieng people assume that children gimbal is a blessing that will bring them good luck.
Hair Dreadlocks (Cymbals)
Cymbals (Si Anak Gimbal). Dieng Plateau Hair Dreadlocks encountered many, especially in small children in the Dieng Plateau. As
land is believed to be the abode of the gods, mythical aura and various
myths still very thick felt in the lives of its people. One of the most interesting is the phenomenon of child dreadlocks. Dieng gimbal child was born normal, the same as other children. At one stage, suddenly changed their hair matted by itself. Various studies to scientifically investigate the cause has not been fruitless.
Local people believe that a child dreadlocks drops of Kyai Kolodete believed to be the ancestors of the Dieng plateau. During his life, Kolodete have dreadlocks. It is said that when he died, he asked that his descendants help cope with the disruption dreads felt quite disturbing. So diwariskanlah dreads this to their children and grandchildren.
The process of dreads in Dieng
At birth, the child has the same hair dreadlocks like other children. Dreads emerging at the age of five. Generally begins with a high fever and delirium bedtime. These symptoms are not treatable. The child will heal by itself, then they slowly become matted hair and blend until perfectly formed dreadlocks. Shampoo wear any of them washed, nonetheless become dreadlocks. In fact, it would already be cut, gimbal will re-appear.
During the gimbal usually children tend to be more active, strong and somewhat mischievous. When playing with other children, gimbal, arguments tend to occur frequently between them.
Must desire Diturti
dreadlocks will not forever lodged in the child's head gimbal. Through a procession, the hair should be cut because there is a belief that if left to teenagers, it will bring disaster for the child and family. Procession cuts can not be arbitrary. Gimbal own child that determines the time. If he does not ask, it will continue to grow dreadlocks even cut many times. In addition to the rituals to be performed, the parents must also meet their demand. Whatever their request, as weird and difficult as any, must be provided at the time of the procession of cutting hair. People believe that all his wishes be fulfilled because otherwise the child will suffer. Dieng people assume that children gimbal is a blessing that will bring them good luck.