Pantai Pulang Syawal, Resto Indrayanti, "Pantai Kuta" nya Yogyakarta
![Penampakan keindahan nan elok diempat sudut Pantai Indrayanti Penampakan keindahan nan elok diempat sudut Pantai Indrayanti]( |
Penampakan keindahan nan elok diempat sudut Pantai Indrayanti |
Pantai Pulang Syawal / Resto Indrayanti ini terletak di wilayah Wonosari diantara Pantai Sundak dan Pantai Siung.
Tepatnya beralamat di Tepus, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. Pantai
ini merupakan pantai yang digembar-gemborkan mirip dengan panorama di
Pantai Kuta Bali. Pantainya berpasir putih, air laut sejernih kaca
dengan ombak yang tak terlalu besar,
sangat cocok bagi wisatawan yang gemar dengan wisata air.
Untuk sampai ke pantai ini dari arah Kota Yogyakarta lebih kurang berjarak 70 km. Dan rute yang bisa digunakan ada jalur umum yakni melewati Jalan Wonosari --> Piyungan
--> Hargodumilah atau Bukit Bintang --> Patuk --> Hutan Bunder -->
Wonosari --> ke kanan/selatan ambil kawasan Karangrejek --> belok
kiri/timur menuju Hargosari --> Bintaos --> Tepus --> nah di sini sudah banyak papan penunjuk arah lokasi-lokasi wisata pantai.
![Suasana Pantai Indrayanti saat ramai pengunjung Suasana Pantai Indrayanti saat ramai pengunjung]( |
Suasana Pantai Pulang Syawal / Resto Indrayanti saat ramai pengunjung |
untuk jalur alternatif bisa menggunakan rute jalur pantai selatan yakni
lewat Imogiri --> Siluk --> Panggang --> ambil kiri/timur arah
Saptosari --> Trowono --> belok kiri ke arah Baron. Dari kawasan Baron
ini --> menuju arah kiri/timur kita sudah berada pada deretan kawasan
wisata pantai di Kabupaten Gunungkidul, tinggal pilih lokasi mana yang
hendak dituju. Untuk sampai di Pantai Indrayanti dari Baron masih
menempuh jarak sekitaran 10 km, lurus ke arah timur.
untuk sejarah penamaan Pantai Indrayanti ini ternyata dulunya bernama
Pantai Pulang Syawal, namun namanya malah lebih populer dengan nama Pantai Indrayanti.
Usut punya usut ternyata penamaan Pantai Indrayanti dikarena salah satu
cafe dan resto disana dinamai "Indrayanti". Dan para wisatawan
menganggap pantai ini namanya Indrayanti tadi. Ckckc, pasti rame tuh
cafe dan resto yang dinamai "Indrayanti" tadi,.,
![Bagi yang ketahuan buang sampah sembarangan siap2 kena denda, Haha,., Bagi yang ketahuan buang sampah sembarangan siap2 kena denda, Haha,.,]( |
Bagi yang ketahuan buang sampah sembarangan siap2 kena denda, Haha,., |
Berbeda dengan pantai-pantai lain yang agak kotor, sepanjang garis
pantai Pulang Syawal / Resto Indrayanti terlihat bersih dan bebas dari sampah. Hal ini
dikarenakan pengelola disana tak segan-segan menjatuhkan denda sebesar Rp.
10.000 untuk tiap sampah yang dibuang oleh wisatawan secara sembarangan.
Karena itu Indrayanti menjadi tempat yang nyaman untuk dikunjungi.
tiket masuk Pantai Pulang Syawal / Resto Indrayanti ini lumayan murah yakni Rp 10.000,00 per yang diterapkan mulai 2014 kemarin. Dan
tidak lupa juga berbagai macam fasilitas yang ditawarkan pantai ini
diantaranya restoran, gazebo, payung untuk berteduh, bermain
layang-layang, hingga jetski yang
bisa disewa per 15 menit bertarif 250 ribu menyusuri pinggiran laut
selatan seputar kawasan wisata.
Dan bagi yang berminat menginap, losmen disana mematok tarif antara Rp350 ribu sampai Rp700 ribu per malam. Check in dihitung mulai pukul 15.00 dan check out pukul 12.00 esok harinya. Meski terhitung mahal, namun, pada hari-hari biasa saja semua losmen di tempat ini nyaris full booking.
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![Gazebo di Pantai Indrayanti Gazebo di Pantai Indrayanti]( |
Gazebo di Pantai Indrayanti |
![Pantai Indrayanti dilihat dari sisi barat Pantai Indrayanti dilihat dari sisi barat]( |
Pantai Indrayanti dilihat dari sisi barat |
![Suasana saat mulai ramai di Pantai Indrayanti Suasana saat mulai ramai di Pantai Indrayanti]( |
Suasana saat mulai ramai di Pantai Indrayanti |
![Sunset di Pantai Indrayanti Sunset di Pantai Indrayanti]( |
Sunset di Pantai Indrayanti |
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sumber :
Return coast of Shawwal, Resto Indrayanti, "Kuta Beach" it Yogyakarta
![Winsome beauty sightings in four corners Indrayanti Beach Winsome beauty sightings in four corners Indrayanti Beach]( |
Winsome beauty sightings in four corners Indrayanti Beach |
Return coast Shawwal / Indrayanti Resto is located in Yogyakarta region between n and Siung . Precisely located in Tepus, Gunungkidul, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. This beach is a beach which heralded similar to the panorama at Kuta Beach Bali. White
sandy beaches, crystal clear sea water with waves are not too big, very
suitable for tourists who enjoy the water attractions.
To get to this beach from the direction of the city of Yogyakarta is located approximately 70 km. And routes that can be used no common path that passes through Jalan World -> Piyungan -> Hargodumilah or Bukit Bintang
-> Patuk -> Forest Bunder -> World -> right / south take
Lor area -> turn left / east toward Hargosari -> Bintaos ->
Tepus -> nah here already many signposts beach tourist locations.
![The beach atmosphere while many visitors Indrayanti The beach atmosphere while many visitors Indrayanti]( |
Back Beach atmosphere Shawwal / Resto Indrayanti when many visitors |
for the alternative pathway can use the route through the southern
coastal strip Imogiri -> Siluk -> Bake -> take left / east
direction Saptosari -> Trowono -> turn left towards Baron . The Baron of the area -> towards the left / east we've been on a row of coastal tourist area in Gunung Kidul Regency , just select the location where you want addressed. To get Indrayanti of Baron Beach is still a distance of around 10 km, straight toward the east.
And to the history of the Turkish Indrayanti this turned formerly Coastal Return Shawwal, but his name is even more popular with the name Indrayanti Beach . Investigate a investigate turns naming Indrayanti Beach because one cafe and restaurant there called "Indrayanti". And the tourists consider this beach its name Indrayanti earlier. afrilena, Certainly horrible noisy cafe and resto called "Indrayanti" earlier,.,
![For those who caught litter siap2 be fined, Haha,., For those who caught litter siap2 be fined, Haha,.,]( |
For those who caught litter siap2 be fined, Haha,., |
Unlike the other beaches are a bit dirty, along the shoreline Return Shawwal / Resto Indrayanti looks clean and free of litter. This is because the manager there did not hesitate to impose a fine of Rp. 10,000 for every trash dumped by tourists indiscriminately. Therefore Indrayanti be a pleasant place to visit.
Return Beach entrance fees Shawwal / Resto Indrayanti this is pretty cheap at $ 10,000.00 per adopted from 2014 yesterday. And
not forgetting the wide range of facilities offered at this beach
include restaurants, gazebos, umbrellas for shade, kite surfing, to
jetski which can be rented per 15 minutes cost 250 thousand along the
edge of the southern ocean surrounding tourist areas.
And for those interested in staying, inns there peg rates between 350 thousand to 700 thousand per night. Check in is calculated starting at 15.00 and check out at 12.00 the following day. It can be expensive, however, on a typical day course all inns in this place was almost full booking .
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![Gazebo in Tasikmalaya Gazebo in Tasikmalaya]( |
Gazebo in Tasikmalaya |
![Indrayanti beach seen from the west side Indrayanti beach seen from the west side]( |
Indrayanti beach seen from the west side |
![Atmosphere at the start of many in Tasikmalaya Atmosphere at the start of many in Tasikmalaya]( |
Atmosphere at the start of many in Tasikmalaya |
![Sunset on the Beach Indrayanti Sunset on the Beach Indrayanti]( |
Sunset on the Beach Indrayanti |
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