Parang Ijo
Legenda Parang Ijo
Pada tahun 1942 di sebuah dusun di kabupaten karanganyar, ada sebuah pohon tua yang sangat besar dan didominasi warna hijau dan pohon ini dianggap keramat bagi warga disekitar dusun tersesebut karena tidak bisa ditebang. Pada suatu hari di desa tersebut dilanda bencana banjir besar (dikenal dengan nama Baru Klinting oleh masyarakat sekitar) yang melanda daaerah tersebut banjir tersebut mampu menumbangkan pohon yang dianggap keramat itu dan membawanya bersama derasnya arus banjir, akan tetapi pohon tersebut tetap dapat berdiri tegak walau diterjang derasnya arus banjir dan pohon tersebut mendapat tempat baru, dimana secara kebetulan menempati diantara tebing (parang), sehingga mempermudah aliran air dari atas tebing menuju lembah melalui batangnya. Aliran air yang terus menerus membuat pohon semakin hijau dengan timbuhnya lumut-lumut.
Pada tahun 1982 terjadi banjir Baru Klinting kembali yang melanda
daerah ini dan menerjang pohon diatara parang itu. Hilangnya pohon
menyebabkan aliran air yang awalnya melalui batang pohon kini terjun ke
bawah tanpa perantara membentuk air terjun yang dikenal dengan nama
Parang Ijo yang berarti berwarna hijau diantara 2 tebing.
Daerah wisata Parang Ijo terletak di
desa Girimulyo, Kecamatan Ngargoyoso. wisata Parang Ijo akan menjadi
andalan wisata baru bagi Karanganyar. Maklum saja, keindahan pesona
wisata daerah perkebunan dan pertanian di lereng Gunung lawu begitu
indah dan menarik bagi para wisatawan. Tidak jauh dari parang ijo
terdapat kompleks candi cetho di Ngargoyoso.
Fasilitas dan Akomodasi
Fasilitas yang tersedia di lokasi ini
adalah Menara atau Gardu Pandang, area taman bermain, kolam renang dan
juga warung penjaja makanan.
sumber :
In 1942 in a village in the county karanganyar, there is a very large old trees and dominated by the color green and the tree is considered sacred to citizens around the hamlet tersesebut because it can not be cut. One day in the village was hit by a huge flood (known as the New Klinting by the surrounding community) that struck the flood daaerah is able to subvert the sacred tree and brought together the swift currents of the flood, but the tree is still able to stand upright while buffeted the swift currents of the flood and the tree gets a new place, where coincidentally occupy between cliffs (rock), thus simplifying the flow of water from the cliff into the valley through the trunk. Water flow continuously create more green tree with moss coasting.
Facilities and Accommodation
Jadwal OpenTrip XploreAdventure BB 7A722B86 Call. / SMS / WA / Line / WeChat 085643455685:
Follow us: @syarifain_ on Twitter | cikarsya.yogyakarta on Facebook
sumber :
Parang Ijo
Legend Parang Ijo
In 1942 in a village in the county karanganyar, there is a very large old trees and dominated by the color green and the tree is considered sacred to citizens around the hamlet tersesebut because it can not be cut. One day in the village was hit by a huge flood (known as the New Klinting by the surrounding community) that struck the flood daaerah is able to subvert the sacred tree and brought together the swift currents of the flood, but the tree is still able to stand upright while buffeted the swift currents of the flood and the tree gets a new place, where coincidentally occupy between cliffs (rock), thus simplifying the flow of water from the cliff into the valley through the trunk. Water flow continuously create more green tree with moss coasting.
In 1982 floods that hit New Klinting back this area and tree crashing diatara machete. The
loss of trees that originally caused the water flow through the tree
trunk is now plunging down a waterfall without any intermediate form
known as the Green Parang which means green between two cliffs.
Parang Ijo tourist area located in the village Girimulyo, District Ngargoyoso. Parang Ijo travel will become a new tourist mainstay of Uji. Understandably,
the beauty and charm of the tourist area of agricultural plantations
on the slopes of Mount lawu so beautiful and attractive for tourists. Not far from there is a green rock temple complex in Ngargoyoso unclear.
Amenities available at this location is the Tower or Substation, playground areas, a swimming pool and also hawker food stalls.
Jadwal OpenTrip XploreAdventure BB 7A722B86 Call. / SMS / WA / Line / WeChat 085643455685:
Follow us: @syarifain_ on Twitter | cikarsya.yogyakarta on Facebook