Gunung Bongkok, atau lebih tepatnya disebut Bukit Bongkok,
adalah sebuah gunung batu yang berlokasi di Cikandang Sukamulya Kab
Purwakarta Jawa Barat, Untuk menuju Gunung Bongkok dari Jakarta dapat
ditempuh dengan kereta api dari stasiun kota menuju Purwakarta. Jika
memilih kereta api lokal ekonomi maka cukup dengan membayar Rp. 3000
(Desember 2014), atau jika mau lebih nyaman dapat menggunakan kereta
bisnis Serayu dengan tarif Rp. 35.000.
Dari Stasiun Purwakarta dapat dilanjutkan dengan angkot menuju Plered
(1x ganti angkot) dengan total biaya sekitar Rp. 15.000 dan dari Plered
dilanjutkan naik mobil angkutan desa menuju Cikandang dengan biaya Rp.
10.000 per orang. Total biaya dari Jakarta menuju lokasi kurang dari Rp.
60.000 pp. Biaya yang cukup murah untuk menjangkau tempat wisata dari
Dari tempat pemberhetian mobil di Cikandang dengan ketinggian sekitar
500 mdpl dilanjutkan menuju Pos Munclu dengan waktu tempuh sekitar
15-30 menit. Pos Munclu mempunyai ketinggian 666 mdp. Di pos ini sudah
tersedia 2 saung untuk tempat menginap atau bisa juga mendirikan tenda.
Sebaiknya yang ingin menginap di Pos Munclu sudah membawa persedian air
dari desa Cikandang. Sulit menemukan sumber air di sepanjang perjalanan
menuju puncak Gunung Bongkok, sumber air terdekat adalah sekitar 100
meter dari pos munclu.
sepanjang jalur menuju puncak Gunung Bongkok penuh dengan pepohonan
wisatawan yang naik Gunung Bongkok dengan bantuan tali pengaman
Perjalanan dari Pos Munclu menuju puncak batu tumpuk (975 mdpl) dapat ditempuh dengan waktu 1-1,5 jam saja. Ada 3 titik yang harus diwaspadai yaitu di ketinggian 700, 800, dan 950 mdpl. Tanjakan pada ketiga titik tersebut sangat terjal hampir mendekati 90 derajat. Jika hujan sangat licin. Relawan dari komunitas sudah memasang webing di ketiga titik tersebut agar para wisatawan dapat melalui ketiga titik tesebut dengan aman.
Trek Gunung Bongkok yang lumayan terjal, perlu tali pengaman agar tidak jatuh.
Puncak Gunung Bongkok tidak luas, kira-kira hanya dapat menampung 30 orang. Meskipun hanya dengan ketinggian 975 mdpl, pemandangan dari puncak Gunung Bongkok sangat indah. Hamparan Waduk Jatiluhur terlihat sangat jelas dari puncak Gunung Bongkok. Namun hati-hati jangan sampai karena terlena dengan keindahan alam justru terjatuh masuk jurang. Perlu hati-hati di puncak Gunung Bongkok karena hampir dikelilingi jurang tegak lurus dengan kedalaman ratusan meter, tentu sangat ajaib jatuh ke jurang sedalam ratusan meter tetapi masih hidup.
batu tumpuk, nama puncak Gunung Bongkok dengan ketinggian 975 mdpl
Jalur Gunung Bongkok masih memerlukan perbaikan dan pemasangan alat pengaman. Ada beberapa titik yang berbahaya karena berada di tepi jurang. Selain itu banyak batu di sepanjang perjalanan yang berpotensi jatuh menimpa wisatawan.
Para pemuda di Gunung Bongkok sangat kooperatif. Mereka siap menjadi
guide (dengan tarif 50 ribu/hari dan porter dengan tarif 75-100
ribu/hari), selain itu wisatawan juga bisa memesan menu makanan ke warga
desa seperti ke ayam/ikan bakar dengan layanan antar hingga
puncak Gunung Bongkok.
Tips mendaki Gunung Bongkok :
- Sebaiknya datang pada hari Sabtu, gunakan kereta api lokal ekonomi dari Jakarta Kota – Purwakarta dengan jam keberangkatan 9.45, dan pulang pada hari Minggu dengan menggunakan kereta dari Purwakarta – Jakarta dengan keberangkatan jam 16.45.
- Akomodasi sebaiknya memberdayakan warga setempat, untuk menu makan seperti nasi + ikan bakar/ayam bakar harganya masih relatif murah plus layanan antar sampai Pos Munclu dan Puncak.
- Gunakan Guide/Porter dari warga sekitar sekaligus memberdayakan masyarakat.
- Sebaiknya datang ke Gunung Bongkok pada sore hari dan menginap di Pos Munclu lalu naik ke puncak pada pagi hari.
- Jaga jarak antar wisatawan minimal 10 m, untuk antisipasi saat ada batu jatuh karena terinjak wisatawan yang di depan/di atas.
- Saat menggunakan tali pengaman, berjalanlah satu persatu dan utamakan pendaki dari atas.
- Perhatikan kanan kiri, karena banyak jurang siap menanti dengan sukarela.
- Pendaki naik wajib membawa sampah turun.
- Jangan lupa, kabarkan potensi Gunung Bongkok kepada teman dan kembali lagi bersama teman, rekreasi sekaligus pemberdayaan masyarakat.
Wisata Gunung Bongkok sangat cocok bagi yang mendambakan kegiatan trekking ringan dan menantang, dengan akses yang terjangkau dan murah. Kapan dan di mana lagi ada wisata gunung hanya dengan Rp. 60.000 bisa dijangkau dari Jakarta?
Selamat mendaki Gunung Bongkok.
sumber :
Post Munclu trip to the summit of the rock piles (975 masl), takes 1-1.5 hours. There are three points to be aware of that at an altitude of 700, 800, and 950 masl. The third point on the ramp is very steep nearing 90 degrees. If rain is very slippery. Volunteers from the community already installed Webing in the third point is that the tourists can through these three points safely.
Mountaintop Hunchback not extensive, about can only accommodate 30 people. Although only a height of 975 meters above sea level, the view from the summit of Mount Hunchback very beautiful. Cover Reservoir Technologies is perfectly visible from the summit of Mount Hunchback. But be careful not to be lulled by the beauty of nature because it fell into a ravine. Should carefully atop Mount Hunchback because almost perpendicular cliff surrounded by hundreds of meters of depth, of very magical fall into the abyss hundreds of meters deep, but still alive.
Hunchback Mountain Biking still require repair and installation of safety devices. There are several points that are dangerous because of being on the edge of the cliff. In addition, many stones along the way that could potentially fall on tourists.
Hunchback Mountain Tourism is very suitable for those who crave lighter and challenging trekking activities, with access to affordable and inexpensive. When and where they are no mountain tours with only Rp. 60,000 can be reached from Jakarta?
sumber :
Hunchback Mountain, Trekking Excursions Near Jakarta
Mountain, or rather called Bukit Pasir, is a volcanic rock located in
the District Sukamulya Cikandang Purwakarta, To reach Mount Hunchback of
Jakarta can be reached by train from the station to the city Chennai. If you choose to train the local economy enough to pay Rp. 3000 (December 2014), or if it is more convenient to use a business car Meditation rate Rp. 35,000.
Stations of Chennai can be extended with transportation to Plered (1x changing transport) with a total cost of about Rp. 15,000 and Plered extended car ride from the village towards Cikandang transportation costs Rp. 10,000 per person. Total cost of Jakarta to the location less than Rp. 60,000 pp. Cost low enough to reach the sights of Jakarta.
From where
pemberhetian car in Cikandang with a height of about 500 meters above
sea level continues to Munclu Post takes about 15-30 minutes. Post Munclu has a height of 666 mdp. This post is available in two shelters for a place to stay or can also set up a tent. We recommend that want to stay in Pos Munclu already brought the water supply of the village Cikandang. Difficult
to find water sources along the way to the summit of Mount Hunchback,
the nearest water source is about 100 meters from the post munclu.
along the path to the summit of Mount Hunchback filled with trees
tourists climb Mount Hunchback with the help of rope
Post Munclu trip to the summit of the rock piles (975 masl), takes 1-1.5 hours. There are three points to be aware of that at an altitude of 700, 800, and 950 masl. The third point on the ramp is very steep nearing 90 degrees. If rain is very slippery. Volunteers from the community already installed Webing in the third point is that the tourists can through these three points safely.
Hunchback Mountain Trek is quite steep, keep a safety strap to keep from falling.
Mountaintop Hunchback not extensive, about can only accommodate 30 people. Although only a height of 975 meters above sea level, the view from the summit of Mount Hunchback very beautiful. Cover Reservoir Technologies is perfectly visible from the summit of Mount Hunchback. But be careful not to be lulled by the beauty of nature because it fell into a ravine. Should carefully atop Mount Hunchback because almost perpendicular cliff surrounded by hundreds of meters of depth, of very magical fall into the abyss hundreds of meters deep, but still alive.
rock piles, name Hunchback Mountain peak with an altitude of 975 meters above sea level
Hunchback Mountain Biking still require repair and installation of safety devices. There are several points that are dangerous because of being on the edge of the cliff. In addition, many stones along the way that could potentially fall on tourists.
The youth in Bayondah very cooperative. They
are ready to become a guide (with a rate of 50 thousand / day and a
porter at a rate of 75-100 thousand / day), besides tourists can also
order food menu to villagers like to chicken / grilled fish with shuttle
service to the summit of Mount Hunchback.
Hunchback Mountain hiking tips:
- Should come on Saturdays, use the local train from Jakarta Kota economy - Chennai with departure at 9:45, and return on Sunday by train from Chennai - Jakarta with departure at 16:45.
- Accommodation should empower local residents, to diet such as rice + fish grilled / barbecued chicken price is still relatively cheap plus shuttle service to and highlight Munclu Post.
- Use the Guide / Porter from people around while empowering the community.
- Should come to Mount Hunchback in the afternoon and stayed Post Munclu then rose to a peak in the morning.
- Keep a minimum distance of 10 m between tourists, to anticipate when a stone falls because of being tourists in front / above.
- When using a safety rope, walk one by one and the prioritizing of climbers from above.
- Look right and left, because many gaps await voluntary.
- Climbers ascend shall carry waste down.
- Do not forget to inform potential Bayondah to friends and return again with friends, recreation as well as community empowerment.
Hunchback Mountain Tourism is very suitable for those who crave lighter and challenging trekking activities, with access to affordable and inexpensive. When and where they are no mountain tours with only Rp. 60,000 can be reached from Jakarta?