Pulau Weh
Dari Wikipedia bahasa Indonesia, ensiklopedia bebas5°55′LU 95°0′BT
Pulau Weh | |
Peta Pulau Weh
Ketinggian | 617 m[1] |
Lokasi | |
Lokasi | Barat daya pulau Sumatra, Indonesia |
Koordinat | 5,82°LU 95,28°BT |
Geologi | |
Jenis | Stratovolcano |
Letusan terakhir | Pleistosen |
Pulau Weh (atau We) adalah pulau vulkanik kecil yang terletak di barat laut Pulau Sumatra. Pulau ini pernah terhubung dengan Pulau Sumatra, namun kemudian terpisah oleh laut setelah meletusnya gunung berapi terakhir kali pada zaman Pleistosen.[1] Pulau ini terletak di Laut Andaman. Kota terbesar di Pulau Weh, Sabang, adalah kota yang terletak paling barat di Indonesia.
Pulau ini terkenal dengan ekosistemnya. Pemerintah Indonesia telah menetapkan wilayah sejauh 60 km² dari tepi pulau baik ke dalam maupun ke luar sebagai suaka alam. Hiu bermulut besar dapat ditemukan di pantai pulau ini. Selain itu, pulau ini merupakan satu-satunya habitat katak yang statusnya terancam, Bufo valhallae (genus Bufo). Terumbu karang di sekitar pulau diketahui sebagai habitat berbagai spesies ikan.
Pulau Weh terletak di Laut Andaman, tempat 2 kelompok kepulauan, yaitu Kepulauan Nikobar dan Kepulauan Andaman, tersebar dalam satu garis dari Sumatra sampai lempeng Burma. Laut Andaman terletak di lempeng tektonik kecil yang aktif. Sistem sesar yang kompleks dan kepulauan busur vulkanik telah terbentuk di sepanjang laut oleh pergerakan lempeng tektonik.[2]
Pulau ini terbentang sepanjang 15 kilometer (10 mil) di ujung paling utara dari Sumatra. Pulau ini hanya pulau kecil dengan luas 156,3 km², tetapi memiliki banyak pegunungan. Puncak tertinggi pulau ini adalah sebuah gunung berapi fumarolik dengan tinggi 617 meter (2024 kaki).[1] Letusan terakhir gunung ini diperkirakan terjadi pada zaman Pleistosen. Sebagai akibat dari letusan ini, sebagian dari gunung ini hancur, terisi dengan laut dan terbentuklah pulau yang terpisah.
Di kedalaman sembilan meter (29,5 kaki) dekat dari kota Sabang, fumarol bawah laut muncul dari dasar laut.[3] Kerucut vulkanik dapat ditemui di hutan. Terdapat 3 daerah solfatara: satu terletak 750 meter bagian tenggara dari puncak dan yang lainnya terletak 5 km dan 11,5 km bagian barat laut dari puncak di pantai barat teluk Lhok Perialakot.
Terdapat empat pulau kecil yang mengelilingi Pulau Weh: Klah, Rubiah, Seulako, dan Rondo. Di antara keempatnya, Rubiah terkenal sebagai tempat pariwisata menyelam karena terumbu karangnya. Rubiah menjadi tempat persinggahan warga Muslim Indonesia yang melaksanakan haji laut untuk sebelum dan setelah ke Mekkah.[4]
Pulau Weh merupakan bagian dari provinsi Aceh. Sensus tahun 1993 menunjukan terdapat 24.700 penduduk di pulau ini.[5] Mayoritas dari populasi tersebut adalah suku Aceh dan sisanya Minangkabau, Jawa, Batak, dan Tionghoa.[6] Tidak diketahui kapan pulau ini pertama kali dihuni. Islam adalah agama utama, karena Aceh adalah provinsi khusus yang menetapkan hukum Syariah. Namun, terdapat beberapa orang Kristen dan Buddha di pulau ini. Mereka kebanyakan bersuku Jawa, Batak, dan Tionghoa.Pada tanggal 26 Desember 2004 gempa bawah laut yang besar (9 skala Richter) terjadi di Laut Andaman. Gempa ini memicu terjadinya serangkaian tsunami yang menewaskan sedikitnya 130.000 orang di Indonesia.[7] Pengaruh terhadap pulau Weh relatif kecil,[8] tetapi tidak diketahui berapa banyak penduduk dari pulau itu yang tewas akibat gempa tersebut.
Perekonomian Pulau Weh sebagian besar didominasi oleh agrikultur. Hasil utamanya adalah cengkeh dan kelapa.[6] Tempat pembiakan ikan berskala kecil berada di wilayah tersebut, dan nelayan secara besar-besaran menggunakan peledak dan sianida dalam memancing. Oleh sebab itu, semenjak tahun 1982, suaka alam dibentuk oleh pemerintah Indonesia yang termasuk 34 km² di daratan dan 26 km² di sekitar lautan.[5]
Dua kota utama di pulau ini adalah Sabang dan Balohan. Balohan adalah pelabuhan kapal feri yang bertugas sebagai penghubung antara pulau Weh dan Banda Aceh di daratan Sumatra. Sabang merupakan dermaga penting semenjak akhir abad ke-19, karena kota ini merupakan pintu masuk ke selat Malaka.
Sebelum terusan Suez dibuka tahun 1869, kepulauan Indonesia dicapai melalui Selat Sunda dari Afrika. Dari terusan Suez, jalur ke Indonesia lebih pendek melalui Selat Malaka. Karena kealamian pelabuhan dengan air yang dalam dan dilindungi dengan baik, pemerintah Hindia Belanda memutuskan untuk membuka Sabang sebagai dermaga.
Pada tahun 1883, dermaga Sabang dibuka untuk kapal berdermaga oleh Asosiasi Atjeh.[9] Awalnya, pelabuhan tersebut dijadikan pangkalan batubara untuk Angkatan Laut Kerajaan Belanda, tetapi kemudian juga mengikutsertakan kapal pedagang untuk mengirim barang ekspor dari Sumatra utara.
Setiap tahunnya, 50.000 kapal melewati Selat Malaka.[10] Pada tahun 2000, pemerintah Indonesia menyatakan Sabang sebagai Zona Perdagangan Bebas dan Pelabuhan Bebas untuk mendapatkan keuntungan dengan mendirikan pelabuhan tersebut sebagai pusat logistik untuk kapal luar negeri yang melewati selat itu.[11] Prasarana untuk dermaga, pelabuhan, gudang dan fasilitas untuk mengisi bahan bakar sedang dikembangkan.
Pulau Weh juga terkenal dengan ekoturismenya. Menyelam, mendaki gunung berapi dan resor pantai adalah daya tarik utama dari pulau ini. Desa kecil Iboih, dikenal sebagai lokasi untuk berenang di bawah laut. Beberapa meter dari Iboih adalah Rubiah, yang dikenal dengan terumbu karangnya.[12]
Selama tahun 1997-1999, Conservation International melakukan survei terhadap terumbu karang di wilayah tersebut.[5] Menurut survei, keanekaragaman terumbu relatif sedikit, tetapi keanekaragaman spesies ikan sangat besar. Beberapa spesies ditemukan selama survey termasuk di antaranya Pogonoperca ocellata, Chaetodon gardneri, Chaetodon xanthocephalus, Centropyge flavipectoralis, Genicanthus caudovittatus, Halichoeres cosmetus, Stethojulis albovittatus, Scarus enneacanthus, Scarus scaber dan Zebrasoma desjardinii.[5]Pada 13 Maret 2004, spesimen langka dan tidak biasa dari spesies hiu bermulut besar, terdampar di pantai Gapang.[13] Hiu bermulut besar memiliki mulut besar yang khas, hidung yang sangat pendek dan lebar. Spesimen tersebut merupakan penemuan yang ke-21[13] (beberapa mengatakan ke-23[14]) dari spesiesnya sejak penemuannya pada tahun 1976. Hiu jantan yang berukuran panjang 1,7 meter (5,58 kaki) dan memiliki berat 13,82 kg (30,5 pon) yang membeku dikirim ke Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (LIPI) untuk penelitian lebih lanjut. Sampai tahun 2006, hanya terdapat 36 penemuan hiu bermulut besar di Samudra Pasifik, Hindia, dan Atlantik.[15]
Gempa bumi dan tsunami tahun 2004 memengaruhi ekosistem di pulau tersebut.[16] Di desa Iboih, petak tanaman bakau yang besar hancur. Puing dari daratan ditumpuk di karang-karang sekitarnya sebagai akibat tsunami. Pada tahun 2005, sekitar 14.400 bibit bakau ditanam kembali untuk menyelamatkan hutan bakau tersebut.[17]
Selain daripada ekosistem bawah laut, pulau Weh merupakan satu-satunya habitat dari spesies katak yang terancam, bernama Bufo valhallae (genus "Bufo").[18] Spesies ini hanya dapat diketahui dari ilustrasi dari pulau ini. Karena penggundulan hutan di pulau Weh, populasi dari spesies tersebut tidak pasti.
Lihat pula
- ^ a b c "Pulau Weh". Global Volcanism Program. Smithsonian Institution. Diakses 2006-11-16.
- ^ Curray, J.R. (2005). "Tectonics and history of the Andaman Sea region". Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 25 (1): 187–232. doi:10.1016/j.jseaes.2004.09.001.
- ^ "Pulau Weh Volcano, Indonesia". John Seach, an Australian volcanologist. Diakses 2006-11-23.
- ^ "Weh Island, a piece of land from heaven". Kantor Pariwisata Aceh. Diakses 2006-11-30.
- ^ a b c d G.R.; Werner,T.B. (2002). "Coral Reef Fish Assessment in the 'Coral Triangle' of Southeastern Asia". Environmental Biology of Fishes 65 (2): 209–214. doi:10.1023/A:1020093012502.
- ^ a b "The people of Weh Island". Kantor Pariwisata Aceh. Diakses 2006-11-30.
- ^ UN Office of the Special Envoy for Tsunami Recovery. The Human Toll. Siaran pers. Diakses pada 2006-11-23.
- ^ "Waves of Mercy Says Goodbye to Pulau Weh". Indonesia Relief. 11 June 2005. Diakses 2006-11-23.
- ^ "Sabang". ABN AMRO History. ABN AMRO. Diakses 2006-11-30.
- ^ "IMO to take Straits initiative". International Maritime Organization. Diakses 2006-11-24.
- ^ Government of Indonesia (1 September 2000). Free Trade Zone and Free Port of Sabang. Siaran pers. Diakses pada 2006-11-30.
- ^ "Pulau Weh". Asia Dive Site. Diakses 2006-11-21.
- ^ a b White, W.T.; Fahmi,M.A., Sumadhiharga,K. (2004). "A Juvenile Megamouth Shark Megachasma Pelagios (Lamniformes: Megachasmidae) From Northern Sumatra, Indonesia". The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 52 (2): 603–607.
- ^ "Megamouth Shark #23 Washes Up in Sumatra, Indonesia". Museum Sejarah Alam Florida. 13 March 2004. Diakses 2006-11-21.
- ^ "Distribution Table of Confirmed Megamouth Shark Sightings". Museum Sejarah Alam Florida. Diakses 2006-11-21.
- ^ "USGS Scientists in Sumatra Studying Recent Tsunamis: Leg 2 Reports, 12 April to 30 April 2005". USGS. Diakses 2006-11-23.
- ^ "Seacology News". Seacology. 9 July 2005. Diakses 2006-11-23.
- ^ "Bufo Valhallae". IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. IUCN. Diakses 2006-11-23.
Pranala luar
- (Indonesia) Situs resmi pemerintah Kota Sabang
- (Indonesia) Situs informasi kepulauan
- (Inggris) Informasi pariwisata di Pulau Weh
- (Inggris) A traveler's guide to Pulau Weh
- (Inggris) situs vuulkanik dunia
Pulau Weh (or We ) is an island of volcanic small, located in the northwest of the island of Sumatra . The island was once connected with the island of Sumatra, but later separated by the sea after a volcanic eruption last time during the Pleistocene . [1] The island is located in the Andaman Sea . The largest city in Pulau Weh, Sabang , is the westernmost city located in Indonesia . The island is famous for its ecosystem. The Indonesian government has set a 60 km² area of the edge of the island either to the inside or outside as nature reserves. The shark big mouth can be found on the coast of the island. In addition, the island is the only habitat of frogs whose status is threatened, Bufo valhallae (genus Bufo ). Coral reefs around the island is known as a habitat for various species of fish.
Pulau Weh is located in the Andaman Sea , where two groups of islands, the Nicobar and Andaman Islands , scattered in a line of Sumatra to the Burma plate . Located in the Andaman Sea plate tectonics active little. System fault complex and volcanic arc islands were formed along the sea by the movement of tectonic plates. [2]
The island stretches along 15 kilometers (10 miles) at the northernmost tip of Sumatra. The island is only a small island with an area of 156.3 km², but has lots of mountains. The highest peak of the island is a volcanic fumarolic with 617 meters high (2024 feet). [1] The last eruption is estimated to occur at the time of the Pleistocene . As a result of this eruption, most of the mountain is destroyed, filled with sea and formed a separate island. At a depth of nine meters (29.5 feet) near the town of Sabang, underwater fumaroles emerging from the seabed. [3] volcanic cone can found in the forest. There are three areas solfatara : one located 750 meters southeast of the peak and the other is located 5 km and 11.5 km northwest part of the peak on the west coast of the bay Lhok Perialakot. There are four small islands that surround the island of Weh: Klah , Sutik , Seulako , and Rondo . Among the four, Khan is famous for diving tourism because of its coral reefs . Rubiah becomes a place for the citizens of Muslim Indonesia who perform the Hajj sea for before and after to Mecca . [4]
Pulau Weh economy is largely dominated by agriculture . The main result is the clove and coconut . [6] The small-scale fish breeding exist in the area, and large-scale fishermen using dynamite and cyanide fishing. Therefore, since 1982, a sanctuary established by the Indonesian government, which includes 34 km² in land and 26 km² around the ocean. [5]
Two main town on the island of Sabang and balohan . Balohan is a harbor ferry that served as a liaison between the island of Weh and Banda Aceh in Sumatra mainland. Sabang is important since the end of the pier of the 19th century, because the city is the entrance to the Strait of Malacca .
Before the Suez Canal was opened in 1869, the Indonesian archipelago is achieved through the Sunda Strait from Africa . Of the Suez canal, shorter routes to Indonesia through the Strait of Malacca. Because naturalness port with deep water and well protected, the government Indies decided to open Sabang as a dock. In 1883, Sabang pier opened to ship berdermaga by the Association of Aceh. [9] Initially, the port is used as a base of coal for the Royal Navy Dutch , but then also include merchant ships to send goods exports from northern Sumatra. Each year, 50,000 ships pass through the Straits of Malacca. [10] In 2000, the Indonesian government declared Sabang as a Free Trade Zone and Free Port to gain an advantage by setting up the port as a logistics hub for foreign ships passing through the strait. [11] infrastructure for docks, ports, warehouses and facilities for refueling being developed. Weh Island is also famous for ekoturismenya . Diving, climbing a volcano and beach resorts are the main attraction of this island. Iboih small village, known as the location for swimming under the sea. A few meters from Iboih is Sutik, known for its coral reefs. [12]
On 13 March 2004, a rare and unusual specimens of species of shark big mouth , beached Gapang. [13] The Sharks have a big mouth braggart typical, very short nose and wide. The specimen is the invention of the 21st [13] (some say over-23 [14] ) of the species since its discovery in 1976. The bull shark is a length of 1.7 meters (5.58 feet) and weighs 13.82 kg (30.5 lb) frozen sent to the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) for further research. Until 2006, there were only 36 big-mouthed shark discovery in the Pacific , Indian , and Atlantic . [15]
The earthquake and tsunami in 2004 affect the ecosystem of the island. [16] In the village Iboih, box plant mangroves destroyed large. Debris from the mainland stacked on the nearby reefs as a result of the tsunami. In 2005, about 14,400 mangrove seedlings were planted back to save the mangrove forest. [17]
In addition to the underwater ecosystem, Weh island is the only habitat of the endangered frog species, named Bufo valhallae (genus " Bufo "). [18 ] This species is only known from the illustrations of this island. Because of deforestation on the island of Weh, populations of such species is uncertain.
- Pulau di Aceh
- Kota Sabang
- Lokasi selam di Indonesia
- Stratovolcano
- Gunung berapi di Indonesia
- Gunung berapi di Aceh
- Gunung di Indonesia
Pulau Weh
From Indonesian Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 55'LU 5 ° to 95 ° 0'BT
Pulau Weh | |
Map of Pulau Weh
Height | 617 m [1] |
Location | |
Location | Southwest of the island of Sumatra , Indonesia |
Coordinate | 5.82 ° N 95.28 ° E |
Geology | |
Type | Stratovolcano |
The last eruption | Pleistocene |
Pulau Weh (or We ) is an island of volcanic small, located in the northwest of the island of Sumatra . The island was once connected with the island of Sumatra, but later separated by the sea after a volcanic eruption last time during the Pleistocene . [1] The island is located in the Andaman Sea . The largest city in Pulau Weh, Sabang , is the westernmost city located in Indonesia . The island is famous for its ecosystem. The Indonesian government has set a 60 km² area of the edge of the island either to the inside or outside as nature reserves. The shark big mouth can be found on the coast of the island. In addition, the island is the only habitat of frogs whose status is threatened, Bufo valhallae (genus Bufo ). Coral reefs around the island is known as a habitat for various species of fish.
Table of contents
Pulau Weh is located in the Andaman Sea , where two groups of islands, the Nicobar and Andaman Islands , scattered in a line of Sumatra to the Burma plate . Located in the Andaman Sea plate tectonics active little. System fault complex and volcanic arc islands were formed along the sea by the movement of tectonic plates. [2]
The island stretches along 15 kilometers (10 miles) at the northernmost tip of Sumatra. The island is only a small island with an area of 156.3 km², but has lots of mountains. The highest peak of the island is a volcanic fumarolic with 617 meters high (2024 feet). [1] The last eruption is estimated to occur at the time of the Pleistocene . As a result of this eruption, most of the mountain is destroyed, filled with sea and formed a separate island. At a depth of nine meters (29.5 feet) near the town of Sabang, underwater fumaroles emerging from the seabed. [3] volcanic cone can found in the forest. There are three areas solfatara : one located 750 meters southeast of the peak and the other is located 5 km and 11.5 km northwest part of the peak on the west coast of the bay Lhok Perialakot. There are four small islands that surround the island of Weh: Klah , Sutik , Seulako , and Rondo . Among the four, Khan is famous for diving tourism because of its coral reefs . Rubiah becomes a place for the citizens of Muslim Indonesia who perform the Hajj sea for before and after to Mecca . [4]
Pulau Weh is part of the province of Aceh . Census 1993 showed there were 24,700 inhabitants on the island. [5] The majority of the population is ethnic Aceh and the rest Minangkabau , Javanese , Batak , and Chinese . [6] It is not known when the island was first inhabited. Islam is the main religion, because Aceh is the only province that establishes the law of Sharia . However, there are few Christians and Buddhists in the island. They are mostly Javanese, Batak, and Chinese. On 26 December 2004 a large undersea earthquake (9 magnitude ) occurred in the Andaman Sea. The quake triggered a series of tsunamis that killed at least 130,000 people in Indonesia. [7] The influence of the island wow relatively small, [8] but it is unknown how many residents of the island who died in the earthquake.Economy
Pulau Weh economy is largely dominated by agriculture . The main result is the clove and coconut . [6] The small-scale fish breeding exist in the area, and large-scale fishermen using dynamite and cyanide fishing. Therefore, since 1982, a sanctuary established by the Indonesian government, which includes 34 km² in land and 26 km² around the ocean. [5]
Two main town on the island of Sabang and balohan . Balohan is a harbor ferry that served as a liaison between the island of Weh and Banda Aceh in Sumatra mainland. Sabang is important since the end of the pier of the 19th century, because the city is the entrance to the Strait of Malacca .
Before the Suez Canal was opened in 1869, the Indonesian archipelago is achieved through the Sunda Strait from Africa . Of the Suez canal, shorter routes to Indonesia through the Strait of Malacca. Because naturalness port with deep water and well protected, the government Indies decided to open Sabang as a dock. In 1883, Sabang pier opened to ship berdermaga by the Association of Aceh. [9] Initially, the port is used as a base of coal for the Royal Navy Dutch , but then also include merchant ships to send goods exports from northern Sumatra. Each year, 50,000 ships pass through the Straits of Malacca. [10] In 2000, the Indonesian government declared Sabang as a Free Trade Zone and Free Port to gain an advantage by setting up the port as a logistics hub for foreign ships passing through the strait. [11] infrastructure for docks, ports, warehouses and facilities for refueling being developed. Weh Island is also famous for ekoturismenya . Diving, climbing a volcano and beach resorts are the main attraction of this island. Iboih small village, known as the location for swimming under the sea. A few meters from Iboih is Sutik, known for its coral reefs. [12]
During the years 1997-1999, Conservation International conducted a survey of coral reefs in the region. [5] According to the survey, relatively little coral diversity, but diversity of fish species is enormous. Some of the species found during the survey including Pogonoperca ocellata , Gardner Chaetodon , Chaetodon xanthocephalus , Centropyge flavipectoralis , Genicanthus caudovittatus , Halichoeres cosmetus , Stethojulis albovittatus , Scarus enneacanthus , Scarus scaber and natação . [5]On 13 March 2004, a rare and unusual specimens of species of shark big mouth , beached Gapang. [13] The Sharks have a big mouth braggart typical, very short nose and wide. The specimen is the invention of the 21st [13] (some say over-23 [14] ) of the species since its discovery in 1976. The bull shark is a length of 1.7 meters (5.58 feet) and weighs 13.82 kg (30.5 lb) frozen sent to the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) for further research. Until 2006, there were only 36 big-mouthed shark discovery in the Pacific , Indian , and Atlantic . [15]
The earthquake and tsunami in 2004 affect the ecosystem of the island. [16] In the village Iboih, box plant mangroves destroyed large. Debris from the mainland stacked on the nearby reefs as a result of the tsunami. In 2005, about 14,400 mangrove seedlings were planted back to save the mangrove forest. [17]
In addition to the underwater ecosystem, Weh island is the only habitat of the endangered frog species, named Bufo valhallae (genus " Bufo "). [18 ] This species is only known from the illustrations of this island. Because of deforestation on the island of Weh, populations of such species is uncertain.
See also
- ^ a b c "Pulau Weh" . Global Volcanism Program . Smithsonian Institution . Retrieved 2006-11-16 .
- ^ curray, JR (2005). "Tectonics and history of the Andaman Sea region". Journal of Asian Earth Sciences 25 (1): 187-232. doi : 10.1016 / j.jseaes.2004.09.001 .
- ^ "Weh Island Volcano, Indonesia" . John Seach, an Australian volcanologist . Retrieved 2006-11-23 .
- ^ "Weh Island, a piece of land from heaven" . Aceh Tourism Office . Retrieved 2006-11-30 .
- ^ a b c d G.R .; Werner, TB (2002). "Coral Reef Fish assessment in the 'Coral Triangle' of Southeastern Europe". Environmental Biology of Fishes 65 (2): 209-214. doi : 10.1023 / A: 1020093012502 .
- ^ a b "The people of Weh Island" . Aceh Tourism Office . Retrieved 2006-11-30 .
- ^ UN Office of the Special Envoy for Tsunami Recovery. The Human Toll . Press releases . Retrieved on 2006-11-23.
- ^ "Waves of Mercy Says Goodbye to Pulau Weh" . Indonesia Relief. 11 June 2005 . Retrieved 2006-11-23 .
- ^ "Sabang" . ABN AMRO History . ABN AMRO . Retrieved 2006-11-30 .
- ^ "IMO Straits to take initiative" . International Maritime Organization . Retrieved 2006-11-24 .
- ^ Government of Indonesia (1 September 2000). Free Trade Zone and Free Port of Sabang . Press releases . Retrieved on 2006-11-30.
- ^ "Pulau Weh" . Asia Dive Site . Retrieved 2006-11-21 .
- ^ a b White, WT; Fahmi, MA, Sumadhiharga, K. (2004). "A Juvenile Megamouth Shark Megachasma Pelagios (Lamniformes: Megachasmidae) From Northern Sumatra, Indonesia " . The Raffles Bulletin of Zoology 52 (2): 603-607.
- ^ "Megamouth Shark # 23 Washes Up in Sumatra, Indonesia" . Florida Museum of Natural History . 13 March 2004 . Retrieved 2006-11-21 .
- ^ "Distribution Table of Confirmed Megamouth Shark Sightings" . Florida Museum of Natural History . Retrieved 2006-11-21 .
- ^ "USGS Scientists Studying in Sumatra Recent Tsunamis: Leg 2 Reports, 12 April to 30 April 2005" . USGS . Retrieved 2006-11-23 .
- ^ "Seacology News" . Seacology . 9 July 2005 . Retrieved 2006-11-23 .
- ^ "Bufo valhallae" . IUCN Red List of Threatened Species . IUCN . Retrieved 2006-11-23 .
External links
- (Indonesia) The official website of the City of Sabang
- (Indonesia) site information islands
- (English) Information on Pulau Weh tourism
- (English) A traveler's guide to Pulau Weh
- (English) vuulkanik's website
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