Gunung Merapi
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Gunung Merapi | |
Ketinggian | 2.968 m (9,740 kaki) |
Daftar | Ribu, Gunung api Tipe A |
Lokasi | |
Lokasi | Klaten, Boyolali, Magelang (Jawa Tengah), Sleman (DI Yogyakarta) |
Koordinat | 7°32′31″LS 110°26′46″BTKoordinat: 7°32′31″LS 110°26′46″BT |
Geologi | |
Jenis | Gunung berapi strato |
Letusan terakhir | 2010 |
Pendakian | |
Rute termudah | Selo, Boyolali |
Gunung Merapi (ketinggian puncak 2.968 m dpl, per 2006) adalah gunung berapi di bagian tengah Pulau Jawa dan merupakan salah satu gunung api teraktif di Indonesia. Lereng sisi selatan berada dalam administrasi Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, dan sisanya berada dalam wilayah Provinsi Jawa Tengah, yaitu Kabupaten Magelang di sisi barat, Kabupaten Boyolali di sisi utara dan timur, serta Kabupaten Klaten di sisi tenggara. Kawasan hutan di sekitar puncaknya menjadi kawasan Taman Nasional Gunung Merapi sejak tahun 2004.
Gunung ini sangat berbahaya karena menurut catatan modern mengalami erupsi (puncak keaktifan) setiap dua sampai lima tahun sekali dan dikelilingi oleh pemukiman yang sangat padat. Sejak tahun 1548, gunung ini sudah meletus sebanyak 68 kali.[butuh rujukan] Kota Magelang dan Kota Yogyakarta adalah kota besar terdekat, berjarak di bawah 30 km dari puncaknya. Di lerengnya masih terdapat pemukiman sampai ketinggian 1700 m dan hanya berjarak empat kilometer dari puncak. Oleh karena tingkat kepentingannya ini, Merapi menjadi salah satu dari enam belas gunung api dunia yang termasuk dalam proyek Gunung Api Dekade Ini (Decade Volcanoes).[1]
Daftar isi
Gunung Merapi adalah gunung termuda dalam rangkaian gunung berapi yang mengarah ke selatan dari Gunung Ungaran. Gunung ini terbentuk karena aktivitas di zona subduksi Lempeng Indo-Australia yang bergerak ke bawah Lempeng Eurasia menyebabkan munculnya aktivitas vulkanik di sepanjang bagian tengah Pulau Jawa. Puncak yang sekarang ini tidak ditumbuhi vegetasi karena aktivitas vulkanik tinggi. Puncak ini tumbuh di sisi barat daya puncak Gunung Batulawang yang lebih tua.[2]
Proses pembentukan Gunung Merapi telah dipelajari dan dipublikasi sejak 1989 dan seterusnya.[3] Berthomier, seorang sarjana Prancis, membagi perkembangan Merapi dalam empat tahap.[4] Tahap pertama adalah Pra-Merapi (sampai 400.000 tahun yang lalu), yaitu Gunung Bibi yang bagiannya masih dapat dilihat di sisi timur puncak Merapi. Tahap Merapi Tua terjadi ketika Merapi mulai terbentuk namun belum berbentuk kerucut (60.000 - 8000 tahun lalu). Sisa-sisa tahap ini adalah Bukit Turgo dan Bukit Plawangan di bagian selatan, yang terbentuk dari lava basaltik. Selanjutnya adalah Merapi Pertengahan (8000 - 2000 tahun lalu), ditandai dengan terbentuknya puncak-puncak tinggi, seperti Bukit Gajahmungkur dan Batulawang, yang tersusun dari lava andesit. Proses pembentukan pada masa ini ditandai dengan aliran lava, breksiasi lava, dan awan panas. Aktivitas Merapi telah bersifat letusan efusif (lelehan) dan eksplosif. Diperkirakan juga terjadi letusan eksplosif dengan runtuhan material ke arah barat yang meninggalkan morfologi tapal kuda dengan panjang 7 km, lebar 1-2 km dengan beberapa bukit di lereng barat. Kawah Pasarbubar (atau Pasarbubrah) diperkirakan terbentuk pada masa ini. Puncak Merapi yang sekarang, Puncak Anyar, baru mulai terbentuk sekitar 2000 tahun yang lalu. Dalam perkembangannya, diketahui terjadi beberapa kali letusan eksplosif dengan VEI 4 berdasarkan pengamatan lapisan tefra.
Karakteristik letusan sejak 1953 adalah desakan lava ke puncak kawah disertai dengan keruntuhan kubah lava secara periodik dan pembentukan awan panas (nuée ardente) yang dapat meluncur di lereng gunung atau vertikal ke atas. Letusan tipe Merapi ini secara umum tidak mengeluarkan suara ledakan tetapi desisan. Kubah puncak yang ada sampai 2010 adalah hasil proses yang berlangsung sejak letusan gas 1969.[2]
Pakar geologi pada tahun 2006 mendeteksi adanya ruang raksasa di bawah Merapi berisi material seperti lumpur yang secara "signifikan menghambat gelombang getaran gempa bumi". Para ilmuwan memperkirakan material itu adalah magma.[5] Kantung magma ini merupakan bagian dari formasi yang terbentuk akibat menghunjamnya Lempeng Indo-Australia ke bawah Lempeng Eurasia[6].
Letusan-letusan kecil terjadi tiap 2-3 tahun, dan yang lebih besar sekitar 10-15 tahun sekali. Letusan-letusan Merapi yang dampaknya besar tercatat pada tahun 1006 (dugaan), 1786, 1822, 1872, dan 1930. Letusan pada tahun 1006 membuat seluruh bagian tengah Pulau Jawa diselubungi abu, berdasarkan pengamatan timbunan debu vulkanik.[7] Ahli geologi Belanda, van Bemmelen, berteori bahwa letusan tersebut menyebabkan pusat Kerajaan Medang (Mataram Kuno) harus berpindah ke Jawa Timur. Letusan pada tahun 1872 dianggap sebagai letusan terkuat dalam catatan geologi modern dengan skala VEI mencapai 3 sampai 4. Letusan terbaru, 2010, diperkirakan juga memiliki kekuatan yang mendekati atau sama. Letusan tahun 1930, yang menghancurkan tiga belas desa dan menewaskan 1400 orang, merupakan letusan dengan catatan korban terbesar hingga sekarang.[butuh rujukan]
Letusan bulan November 1994 menyebabkan luncuran awan panas ke bawah hingga menjangkau beberapa desa dan memakan korban 60 jiwa manusia. Letusan 19 Juli 1998 cukup besar namun mengarah ke atas sehingga tidak memakan korban jiwa. Catatan letusan terakhir gunung ini adalah pada tahun 2001-2003 berupa aktivitas tinggi yang berlangsung terus-menerus. Pada tahun 2006 Gunung Merapi kembali beraktivitas tinggi dan sempat menelan dua nyawa sukarelawan di kawasan Kaliadem karena terkena terjangan awan panas. Rangkaian letusan pada bulan Oktober dan November 2010 dievaluasi sebagai yang terbesar sejak letusan 1872[8] dan memakan korban nyawa 273 orang (per 17 November 2010)[9], meskipun telah diberlakukan pengamatan yang intensif dan persiapan manajemen pengungsian. Letusan 2010 juga teramati sebagai penyimpangan dari letusan "tipe Merapi" karena bersifat eksplosif disertai suara ledakan dan gemuruh yang terdengar hingga jarak 20-30 km.
Gunung ini dimonitor non-stop oleh Pusat Pengamatan Gunung Merapi di Kota Yogyakarta, dibantu dengan berbagai instrumen geofisika telemetri di sekitar puncak gunung serta sejumlah pos pengamatan visual dan pencatat kegempaan di Ngepos (Srumbung), Babadan, dan Kaliurang.
Erupsi 2006
Di bulan April dan Mei 2006, mulai muncul tanda-tanda bahwa Merapi akan meletus kembali, ditandai dengan gempa-gempa dan deformasi. Pemerintah daerah Jawa Tengah dan DI Yogyakarta sudah mempersiapkan upaya-upaya evakuasi. Instruksi juga sudah dikeluarkan oleh kedua pemda tersebut agar penduduk yang tinggal di dekat Merapi segera mengungsi ke tempat-tempat yang telah disediakan.Pada tanggal 15 Mei 2006 akhirnya Merapi meletus. Lalu pada 4 Juni, dilaporkan bahwa aktivitas Gunung Merapi telah melampaui status awas. Kepala BPPTK Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Ratdomo Purbo menjelaskan bahwa sekitar 2-4 Juni volume lava di kubah Merapi sudah mencapai 4 juta meter kubik - artinya lava telah memenuhi seluruh kapasitas kubah Merapi sehingga tambahan semburan lava terbaru akan langsung keluar dari kubah Merapi.
Tanggal 1 Juni, Hujan abu vulkanik dari luncuran awan panas Gunung Merapi yang lebat, tiga hari belakangan ini terjadi di Kota Magelang dan Kabupaten Magelang, Jawa Tengah. Muntilan sekitar 14 kilometer dari Puncak Merapi, paling merasakan hujan abu ini. [10]
Tanggal 8 Juni, Gunung Merapi pada pukul 09.03 WIB meletus dengan semburan awan panas yang membuat ribuan warga di wilayah lereng Gunung Merapi panik dan berusaha melarikan diri ke tempat aman. Hari ini tercatat dua letusan Merapi, letusan kedua terjadi sekitar pukul 09.40 WIB. Semburan awan panas sejauh 5 km lebih mengarah ke hulu Kali Gendol (lereng selatan) dan menghanguskan sebagian kawasan hutan di utara Kaliadem di wilayah Kabupaten Sleman. [11]
Erupsi 2010
Peningkatan status dari "normal aktif" menjadi "waspada" pada tanggal 20 September 2010 direkomendasi oleh Balai Penyelidikan dan Pengembangan Teknologi Kegunungapian (BPPTK) Yogyakarta. Setelah sekitar satu bulan, pada tanggal 21 Oktober status berubah menjadi "siaga" sejak pukul 18.00 WIB. Pada tingkat ini kegiatan pengungsian sudah harus dipersiapkan. Karena aktivitas yang semakin meningkat, ditunjukkan dengan tingginya frekuensi gempa multifase dan gempa vulkanik, sejak pukul 06.00 WIB tangggal 25 Oktober BPPTK Yogyakarta merekomendasi peningkatan status Gunung Merapi menjadi "awas" dan semua penghuni wilayah dalam radius 10 km dari puncak harus dievakuasi dan diungsikan ke wilayah aman.
Erupsi pertama terjadi sekitar pukul 17.02 WIB tanggal 26 Oktober. Sedikitnya terjadi hingga tiga kali letusan. Letusan menyemburkan material vulkanik setinggi kurang lebih 1,5 km dan disertai keluarnya awan panas yang menerjang Kaliadem, Desa Kepuharjo, Kecamatan Cangkringan, Sleman.[12] dan menelan korban 43 orang, ditambah seorang bayi dari Magelang yang tewas karena gangguan pernapasan.
Sejak saat itu mulai terjadi muntahan awan panas secara tidak teratur. Mulai 28 Oktober, Gunung Merapi memuntahkan lava pijar yang muncul hampir bersamaan dengan keluarnya awan panas pada pukul 19.54 WIB.[13] Selanjutnya mulai teramati titik api diam di puncak pada tanggal 1 November, menandai fase baru bahwa magma telah mencapai lubang kawah.
Namun, berbeda dari karakter Merapi biasanya, bukannya terjadi pembentukan kubah lava baru, malah yang terjadi adalah peningkatan aktivitas semburan lava dan awan panas sejak 3 November. Erupsi eksplosif berupa letusan besar diawali pada pagi hari Kamis, 4 November 2010, menghasilkan kolom awan setinggi 4 km dan semburan awan panas ke berbagai arah di kaki Merapi. Selanjutnya, sejak sekitar pukul tiga siang hari terjadi letusan yang tidak henti-hentinya hingga malam hari dan mencapai puncaknya pada dini hari Jumat 5 November 2010. Menjelang tengah malam, radius bahaya untuk semua tempat diperbesar menjadi 20 km dari puncak. Rangkaian letusan ini serta suara gemuruh terdengar hingga Kota Yogyakarta (jarak sekitar 27 km dari puncak), Kota Magelang, dan pusat Kabupaten Wonosobo (jarak 50 km). Hujan kerikil dan pasir mencapai Kota Yogyakarta bagian utara, sedangkan hujan abu vulkanik pekat melanda hingga Purwokerto dan Cilacap. Pada siang harinya, debu vulkanik diketahui telah mencapai Tasikmalaya, Bandung,[14] dan Bogor.[15]
Bahaya sekunder berupa aliran lahar dingin juga mengancam kawasan lebih rendah setelah pada tanggal 4 November terjadi hujan deras di sekitar puncak Merapi. Pada tanggal 5 November Kali Code di kawasan Kota Yogyakarta dinyatakan berstatus "awas" (red alert). [16][butuh rujukan]
Letusan kuat 5 November diikuti oleh aktivitas tinggi selama sekitar seminggu, sebelum kemudian terjadi sedikit penurunan aktivitas, namun status keamanan tetap "Awas". Pada tanggal 15 November 2010 batas radius bahaya untuk Kabupaten Magelang dikurangi menjadi 15 km dan untuk dua kabupaten Jawa Tengah lainnya menjadi 10 km. Hanya bagi Kab. Sleman yang masih tetap diberlakukan radius bahaya 20 km.[17]
Gunung Merapi di bagian puncak tidak pernah ditumbuhi vegetasi karena aktivitas yang tinggi. Jenis tumbuhan di bagian teratas bertipe alpina khas pegunungan Jawa, seperti Rhododendron dan edeweis jawa. Agak ke bawah terdapat hutan bambu dan tetumbuhan pegunungan tropika.Lereng Merapi, khususnya di bawah 1.000 m, merupakan tempat asal dua kultivar salak unggul nasional, yaitu salak 'Pondoh' dan 'Nglumut'.
Rute pendakian
Gunung Merapi merupakan obyek pendakian yang populer. karena gunung ini merupakan gunung yang sangat mempesona. Jalur pendakian yang paling umum dan dekat adalah melalui sisi utara dari Sèlo, Kabupaten Boyolali, Jawa Tengah, tepatnya di Desa Tlogolele. Desa ini terletak di antara Gunung Merapi dan Gunung Merbabu. Pendakian melalui Selo memakan waktu sekitar lima jam hingga ke puncak.Jalur populer lain adalah melalui Kaliurang, Kecamatan Pakem, Kabupaten Sleman, Yogyakarta di sisi selatan. Jalur ini lebih terjal dan memakan waktu sekitar 6-7 jam hingga ke puncak. Jalur alternatif yang lain adalah melalui sisi barat laut, dimulai dari Sawangan, Kabupaten Magelang, Jawa Tengah dan melalui sisi tenggara, dari arah Deles, Kecamatan Kemalang, Kabupaten Klaten, Jawa Tengah.
Lihat pula
'Foto-foto setelah erupsi 2006
Merapi dari arah Ketep, Magelang.
Dari arah Jrakah, Boyolali.
Dari arah Selo, Boyolali. Tampak puncak Batulawang (puncak Merapi tua) di sebelah kiri.
Dokumentasi Tropenmuseum
Foto-foto lain
- ^ Laman Decade Volcanoes
- ^ a b DESCRIPTION:Indonesia Volcanoes and Volcanics. Laman USGeological Survey.
- ^ Sejarah Merapi menurut Badan Geologi
- ^ Berthommier, P., 1990. Etude volcanologique du Merapi (Centre-Java): Te´phrostratigraphic et Chronologie—produits eruptifs. PhD thesis, Universite´ Blaise Pascal, 216 pp.
- ^ Axel Bojanowski. Riesige Magmamenge. Geologen warnen vor Mega-Eruption des Merapi. Spiegel Online edisi 05 November 2010.
- ^ Diagram pola pembentukan ruang magma hipotetik di bawah Merapi
- ^ "A history of Merapi". Diakses 2007-02-20.
- ^ Laporan aktivitas Gn Merapi tanggal 5 November 2010 pukul 00:00 sampai dengan pukul 06:00 WIB. Jumat, 05 November 2010 08:05
- ^ Laporan situasi dari BPNB per 17 November 2010
- ^ [1]
- ^ [2] [3]
- ^ [4]
- ^ [5]
- ^ Ismoko Widjaya. Abu Merapi di Bandung Berbahaya. Jum'at, 5 November 2010, 20:45 WIB
- ^ Rachmadin Ismail. Hujan Abu Merapi Sampai Lido Bogor. detikNews. Jumat, 05/11/2010 19:29 WIB
- ^ Kali Code Kritis, Warga Diperintahkan Menyingkir. Jum'at, 05 November 2010 | 18:23 WIB
- ^ Fajar Pratama. BNPB: Jumlah Korban Tewas Merapi 275 Orang. detikNews. Edisi Kamis, 18/11/2010.
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(Inggris) Gambar satelit letusan 11 Mei 2006 | |
(Inggris) Galeri Letusan Merapi 2010 |
- (Indonesia) Peta gunung merapi Peta Merapi disertai keterangan desa dan dusun serta radius zona aman; 5km, 10 km, 15 km dan 20 km.
- (Indonesia) Informasi gunung di situs web Direktorat Vulkanologi Indonesia
- (Indonesia) Jaringan Informasi Lingkar Merapi (JALIN Merapi)
- (Indonesia) Informasi gunung Merapi
- (Inggris) Film tahun 2010 letusan
- (Inggris) Informasi gunung di situs Institut Smithsonian
- (Inggris) Informasi dan gambar
- (Inggris) Informasi dan gambar
- (Indonesia) Merapi dalam bingkai pariwisata
Mount Merapi (2,968 m peak height above sea level , per 2006) is a volcano in the central part of Java Island and is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia . Slope south side are in administration Sleman , Yogyakarta Special Region , and the rest are in the province of Central Java , namely Magelang District on the west side, the districts in the north and east, and Klaten district on the southeast side. Forest area into the area around the peak of Mount Merapi National Park since 2004. The mountain is very dangerous because according to the modern experience of the eruption (peak activity) every two to five years and is surrounded by a very dense settlements. Since 1548 , the mountain has erupted 68 times. [ citation needed ] Magelang and Yogyakarta city is the nearest large town, just under 30 km from the summit. The slope was still there until the height of the settlement in 1700 m and is just four kilometers from the summit. Because of this importance, Merapi became one of sixteen volcano world are included in the project Decade Volcanoes ( Decade Volcanoes ). [1]
Mount Merapi is the youngest volcano in the chain of volcanoes that leads to the south of Mount Ungaran . The mountain is formed due to activity in subduction zones Indo-Australian Plate is moving down the Eurasian Plate led to the emergence of volcanic activity along the central part of the island of Java. The highlight of today is not overgrown vegetation due to high volcanic activity. This peak grows on the southwest side of Mount Batulawang older. [2]
The process of formation of Mount Merapi has been studied and published from 1989 onwards. [3] Berthomier, a French scholar, dividing Merapi development in four stages. [4] Stage The first is the Pre-Merapi (up to 400,000 years ago), the share of which is Mount Bibi can still be seen on the east side of the peak of Merapi. Old Merapi stage occurs when Merapi began to form but not yet conical (60000-8000 years ago). Remnants of this stage is Turgo Hill and Hill Plawangan in the southern part, which is formed of basaltic lava. Next is the Merapi Range (8000 - 2000 years ago), characterized by the formation of the high peaks, such as Mount Gajahmungkur and Batulawang, which is composed of andesite lava. Forming process at this time is characterized by lava flows, lava brecciation, and hot clouds. Merapi's activity has to be effusive eruptions (melt) and explosive. Also predicted an explosive eruption with rubble material westward leaving a horseshoe morphology with a length of 7 km, 1-2 km wide with a few hills on the western slopes. Pasarbubar crater (or Pasarbubrah) thought to be formed at this time. Merapi peak current, the New Peak, just started to form about 2,000 years ago. In the process, are known to occur several times explosive eruption with VEI 4 based on observation layer tefra . Characteristics eruption since 1953, is the insistence lava to the top of the crater accompanied by a collapse of the lava dome periodically and the formation of hot clouds ( UEE ardente ) which can slide on the slopes or vertical above. This type of Merapi eruptions generally do not produce the sound of explosions but hiss. Top of the existing dome until 2010 was the result of an ongoing process since 1969 gas eruption. [2] A geologist in 2006 detected a giant space below Merapi contain material such as mud which "significantly impede the vibration wave earthquake". Scientists estimate that material is magma. [5] Magma chamber is part of a formation that caused by the back of the Indo-Australian Plate under the Eurasian Plate [6] .
Small eruptions occur every 2-3 years, and the larger about 10-15 years. Merapi eruptions whose impact was recorded in 1006 (alleged), 1786 , 1822 , 1872 , and 1930 . The eruption in 1006 made the whole central part of Java island shrouded in gray, based on observations of volcanic ash heap. [7] Geologists Netherlands, van Bemmelen, theorized that the eruption caused the center of the kingdom (Ancient Mataram) should be moved to East Java . The eruption in 1872 was considered as the strongest eruption in modern geological record with scale VEI reach 3 to 4. The latest eruption, in 2010, is also expected to have nearly equal strength. The eruption in 1930 , which destroyed thirteen villages and killed 1,400 people, is the biggest victim of the eruption of the record until now. [ citation needed ]
The eruption in November 1994 led to the launch of hot clouds down to reach some villages and killed 60 human soul. The eruption of 19 July 1998 sizeable but pointing upwards so that no casualties. Note the last eruption of this volcano was in 2001-2003 in the form of high activity that is ongoing. In 2006, Mount Merapi back of high activity and could engulf two lives as volunteers in areas affected Gemblep hot clouds. Network eruptions in October and November 2010 were evaluated as the largest since the eruption in 1872 [8] and claimed the lives of 273 people (as of 17 November 2010) [9] , although it has been applied to intensive observation and management of evacuation preparations. The eruption of 2010 was also observed as a deviation from the eruption "type Merapi" because explosive accompanied by the sound of explosions and rumbling sounds to a distance of 20-30 km. The mountain is monitored non-stop by Observation Center Mount Merapi in Yogyakarta City, assisted by various instruments geophysical telemetry The surrounding mountain peaks and a number of visual observation posts and seismic recorder in Ngepos (Mohawk), Logie, and Ground.
Improving the status of "normal active" to "alert" on 20 September 2010 was recommended by the Center for Research and Technological Development Kegunungapian (BPPTK) Yogyakarta. After about a month, on October 21 status changes to "standby" since 18:00 pm. At this level of displacement has to be prepared. Due to the increasing activity, indicated by the high frequency of earthquakes and volcanic earthquakes multiphase, since 06.00 am tangggal October 25 BPPTK Yogyakarta recommends improving the status of Mount Merapi to be "careful" and all the inhabitants of the area within a radius of 10 km from the summit to be evacuated and were evacuated to the region removal. The first eruption occurred around 17:02 pm on October 26 . At least up to three times the eruption occurred. Material spewing volcanic eruption approximately 1.5 km and accompanied the release of hot clouds crashing Gemblep, Rural Kepuharjo , District of Cangkringan , Sleman. [12] and killed 43 people, plus a baby who died because of Magelang respiratory disorders. Since it started happening vomit hot clouds irregularly. Starting October 28 , Mount Merapi spewed lava that appeared almost simultaneously with the release of heat clouds at about 19:54 pm. [13] Furthermore, starting fires observed silence at the summit on November 1, marks a new phase that magma has reached the crater. However, Merapi is usually different from the characters, rather than the formation of a new lava dome, but what happens is the increased activity of lava and hot clouds of spray since Nov. 3. A large explosive eruption eruption began on the morning of Thursday, 4 November 2010, resulted in a column clouds at a height of 4 km and hot clouds of spray in all directions at the foot of Merapi. Furthermore, since about three o'clock in the afternoon eruption that will not cease until the evening and reached its peak in the early hours of Friday 5 November 2010. By the middle of the night, for all the danger radius enlarged to 20 km from the summit. This eruption network and roar sounded to Kota Yogyakarta (a distance of about 27 km from the summit), Magelang , and central Colombia (within 50 km). Rain gravel and sand to reach the northern part of the city of Yogyakarta, while the thick volcanic ash rain swept to Purwokerto and Cilacap. In the afternoon, volcanic ash is known to have reached Tasikmalaya , Bandung , [14] and Bogor . [15] The danger of secondary form of cold lava flows also threaten the lower area on November 4 after heavy rains occur around the peak of Merapi. On November 5, Kali Code in Yogyakarta City area declared status as "Caution" ( red alert ). [16] [ citation needed ] 5 November powerful eruption followed by a high activity for about a week, before then going on a slight decline in activity, but the status of permanent security "Caution". On November 15, 2010 to limit the danger radius Magelang regency reduced to 15 km and to two other districts of Central Java to 10 km. Only for the District. Sleman which remain unchanged danger radius of 20 km. [17]
Mount Merapi
From Indonesian Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mount Merapi | |
Height | 2,968 m (9,740 ft ) |
List | Thousand , volcano type A |
Location | |
Location | Klaten , Boyolali , Magelang ( Central Java ), Sleman ( Yogyakarta ) |
Coordinate | 7 ° 32'31 "S 110 ° 26'46 "east longitude coordinates : 7 ° 32'31 "S 110 ° 26'46 "E |
Geology | |
Type | Volcano strato |
The last eruption | 2010 |
Climbing | |
These easiest | Selo, Boyolali |
Mount Merapi (2,968 m peak height above sea level , per 2006) is a volcano in the central part of Java Island and is one of the most active volcanoes in Indonesia . Slope south side are in administration Sleman , Yogyakarta Special Region , and the rest are in the province of Central Java , namely Magelang District on the west side, the districts in the north and east, and Klaten district on the southeast side. Forest area into the area around the peak of Mount Merapi National Park since 2004. The mountain is very dangerous because according to the modern experience of the eruption (peak activity) every two to five years and is surrounded by a very dense settlements. Since 1548 , the mountain has erupted 68 times. [ citation needed ] Magelang and Yogyakarta city is the nearest large town, just under 30 km from the summit. The slope was still there until the height of the settlement in 1700 m and is just four kilometers from the summit. Because of this importance, Merapi became one of sixteen volcano world are included in the project Decade Volcanoes ( Decade Volcanoes ). [1]
Table of contents
Mount Merapi is the youngest volcano in the chain of volcanoes that leads to the south of Mount Ungaran . The mountain is formed due to activity in subduction zones Indo-Australian Plate is moving down the Eurasian Plate led to the emergence of volcanic activity along the central part of the island of Java. The highlight of today is not overgrown vegetation due to high volcanic activity. This peak grows on the southwest side of Mount Batulawang older. [2]
The process of formation of Mount Merapi has been studied and published from 1989 onwards. [3] Berthomier, a French scholar, dividing Merapi development in four stages. [4] Stage The first is the Pre-Merapi (up to 400,000 years ago), the share of which is Mount Bibi can still be seen on the east side of the peak of Merapi. Old Merapi stage occurs when Merapi began to form but not yet conical (60000-8000 years ago). Remnants of this stage is Turgo Hill and Hill Plawangan in the southern part, which is formed of basaltic lava. Next is the Merapi Range (8000 - 2000 years ago), characterized by the formation of the high peaks, such as Mount Gajahmungkur and Batulawang, which is composed of andesite lava. Forming process at this time is characterized by lava flows, lava brecciation, and hot clouds. Merapi's activity has to be effusive eruptions (melt) and explosive. Also predicted an explosive eruption with rubble material westward leaving a horseshoe morphology with a length of 7 km, 1-2 km wide with a few hills on the western slopes. Pasarbubar crater (or Pasarbubrah) thought to be formed at this time. Merapi peak current, the New Peak, just started to form about 2,000 years ago. In the process, are known to occur several times explosive eruption with VEI 4 based on observation layer tefra . Characteristics eruption since 1953, is the insistence lava to the top of the crater accompanied by a collapse of the lava dome periodically and the formation of hot clouds ( UEE ardente ) which can slide on the slopes or vertical above. This type of Merapi eruptions generally do not produce the sound of explosions but hiss. Top of the existing dome until 2010 was the result of an ongoing process since 1969 gas eruption. [2] A geologist in 2006 detected a giant space below Merapi contain material such as mud which "significantly impede the vibration wave earthquake". Scientists estimate that material is magma. [5] Magma chamber is part of a formation that caused by the back of the Indo-Australian Plate under the Eurasian Plate [6] .
Small eruptions occur every 2-3 years, and the larger about 10-15 years. Merapi eruptions whose impact was recorded in 1006 (alleged), 1786 , 1822 , 1872 , and 1930 . The eruption in 1006 made the whole central part of Java island shrouded in gray, based on observations of volcanic ash heap. [7] Geologists Netherlands, van Bemmelen, theorized that the eruption caused the center of the kingdom (Ancient Mataram) should be moved to East Java . The eruption in 1872 was considered as the strongest eruption in modern geological record with scale VEI reach 3 to 4. The latest eruption, in 2010, is also expected to have nearly equal strength. The eruption in 1930 , which destroyed thirteen villages and killed 1,400 people, is the biggest victim of the eruption of the record until now. [ citation needed ]
The eruption in November 1994 led to the launch of hot clouds down to reach some villages and killed 60 human soul. The eruption of 19 July 1998 sizeable but pointing upwards so that no casualties. Note the last eruption of this volcano was in 2001-2003 in the form of high activity that is ongoing. In 2006, Mount Merapi back of high activity and could engulf two lives as volunteers in areas affected Gemblep hot clouds. Network eruptions in October and November 2010 were evaluated as the largest since the eruption in 1872 [8] and claimed the lives of 273 people (as of 17 November 2010) [9] , although it has been applied to intensive observation and management of evacuation preparations. The eruption of 2010 was also observed as a deviation from the eruption "type Merapi" because explosive accompanied by the sound of explosions and rumbling sounds to a distance of 20-30 km. The mountain is monitored non-stop by Observation Center Mount Merapi in Yogyakarta City, assisted by various instruments geophysical telemetry The surrounding mountain peaks and a number of visual observation posts and seismic recorder in Ngepos (Mohawk), Logie, and Ground.
Eruption 2006
In April and May 2006 , emerging signs that Merapi will erupt again, marked by earthquakes and deformation. Local governments in Central Java and Yogyakarta has prepared evacuation efforts. Instructions have also been issued by the two governments is that people living near Merapi immediately evacuate to places that have been provided. On May 15th 2006 finally erupts. Then on June 4 , reported that volcanic activity has exceeded the alert status. Head BPPTK Special Region of Yogyakarta, Ratdomo Purbo explained that around June 2-4 at the volume lava dome of Merapi has reached 4 million cubic meters - meaning lava dome had fulfilled all Merapi capacity until additional spray will go right out the latest lava dome of Merapi. On June 1, , Showers of volcanic ash from the gliding hot clouds of Mount Merapi, thick, three days later occurred in Magelang and Magelang regency , Central Java . Kasimut about 14 kilometers from the peak of Merapi, most felt this ashfall. [10] On June 8 , Mt. Merapi erupted at 9:03 pm with a blast of hot clouds that create thousands of residents on the slopes of Mount Merapi panicked and tried to flee to safety. Today carrying two Merapi eruption, the second eruption occurred at approximately 9:40 pm. Bursts of hot clouds over a distance of 5 km leads to the upper Gendol (south slope) and partially burned forest areas in northern Gemblep in the area of Sleman . [11]Eruption 2010
Improving the status of "normal active" to "alert" on 20 September 2010 was recommended by the Center for Research and Technological Development Kegunungapian (BPPTK) Yogyakarta. After about a month, on October 21 status changes to "standby" since 18:00 pm. At this level of displacement has to be prepared. Due to the increasing activity, indicated by the high frequency of earthquakes and volcanic earthquakes multiphase, since 06.00 am tangggal October 25 BPPTK Yogyakarta recommends improving the status of Mount Merapi to be "careful" and all the inhabitants of the area within a radius of 10 km from the summit to be evacuated and were evacuated to the region removal. The first eruption occurred around 17:02 pm on October 26 . At least up to three times the eruption occurred. Material spewing volcanic eruption approximately 1.5 km and accompanied the release of hot clouds crashing Gemblep, Rural Kepuharjo , District of Cangkringan , Sleman. [12] and killed 43 people, plus a baby who died because of Magelang respiratory disorders. Since it started happening vomit hot clouds irregularly. Starting October 28 , Mount Merapi spewed lava that appeared almost simultaneously with the release of heat clouds at about 19:54 pm. [13] Furthermore, starting fires observed silence at the summit on November 1, marks a new phase that magma has reached the crater. However, Merapi is usually different from the characters, rather than the formation of a new lava dome, but what happens is the increased activity of lava and hot clouds of spray since Nov. 3. A large explosive eruption eruption began on the morning of Thursday, 4 November 2010, resulted in a column clouds at a height of 4 km and hot clouds of spray in all directions at the foot of Merapi. Furthermore, since about three o'clock in the afternoon eruption that will not cease until the evening and reached its peak in the early hours of Friday 5 November 2010. By the middle of the night, for all the danger radius enlarged to 20 km from the summit. This eruption network and roar sounded to Kota Yogyakarta (a distance of about 27 km from the summit), Magelang , and central Colombia (within 50 km). Rain gravel and sand to reach the northern part of the city of Yogyakarta, while the thick volcanic ash rain swept to Purwokerto and Cilacap. In the afternoon, volcanic ash is known to have reached Tasikmalaya , Bandung , [14] and Bogor . [15] The danger of secondary form of cold lava flows also threaten the lower area on November 4 after heavy rains occur around the peak of Merapi. On November 5, Kali Code in Yogyakarta City area declared status as "Caution" ( red alert ). [16] [ citation needed ] 5 November powerful eruption followed by a high activity for about a week, before then going on a slight decline in activity, but the status of permanent security "Caution". On November 15, 2010 to limit the danger radius Magelang regency reduced to 15 km and to two other districts of Central Java to 10 km. Only for the District. Sleman which remain unchanged danger radius of 20 km. [17]
Mount Merapi at the summit never overgrown with vegetation due to high activity. Species at the top of the mountains of Java type special alpina, such as Rhododendron and edeweis bred . There is a bit down the forest of bamboo and tropical vegetation mountains. The slopes of Merapi, especially below 1,000 m, is the home of two cultivars bay national ideal, the bay 'farms' and 'Nglumut'.Climbing routes
Mount Merapi is a popular climbing objects. because the mountain is a mountain that is very charming. The most common hiking and touring through the north side of the ditch , Boyolali , Central Java , precisely in the Village Tlogolele . The village is located between Mount Merapi and Mount Erebus . Climbing through Selo takes about five hours to the summit. The path is another popular through Kaliurang , District Rule , Sleman , Yogyakarta on the southern side. This path is steep and takes about 6-7 hours to the summit. Other alternative path is through the northwest side, starting from Preveza , Magelang regency , Central Java , and through the southeast side, from the direction of pure-bred, District Kemalang , Klaten , Central Java .See also
'The photos after the eruption of 2006
Merapi from Ketep direction, Magelang .
From the Jrakah, Boyolali .
From the direction of Selo, Boyolali . Looks Batulawang peak (the peak of Merapi old) on the left.
Documentation Tropenmuseum
Other photos
Before the summit crater of Mount Merapi erupted in 2006
Lithography Merapi work Junghuhn
Eruption 1961
- ^ Page Decade Volcanoes
- ^ a b DESCRIPTION: Indonesia Volcanoes and Volcanics . Survey USGeological page.
- ^ History of Merapi according to the Geological Agency
- ^ Berthommier, P., 1990. volcanologique Etude du Merapi (Centre-Java): Te'phrostratigraphic-produits et Chronologie eruptifs. PhD thesis, Universite' Blaise Pascal, 216 pp.
- ^ Axel Bojanowski. Riesige Magmamenge. Geologen warnen vor Mega-Eruption of Merapi . Spiegel Online edition November 5, 2010.
- ^ Diagram pattern formation hypothetical magma chamber beneath Merapi
- ^ "A history of Merapi" . Retrieved 2007-02-20 .
- ^ Gn Merapi activity report dated 5 November 2010 at 00:00 until 06:00 pm . Friday, 05 November 2010 08:05
- ^ Report on the situation BPNB per 17 November 2010
- ^ [1]
- ^ [2] [3]
- ^ [4]
- ^ [5]
- ^ Ismoko Widjaya`. Abu Merapi in Bandung Dangerous . Friday, 5 November 2010, 20:45 pm
- ^ Yani Ismail. Rain Abu Merapi Until Lido Bogor . detikNews. Friday, 05/11/2010 19:29 pm
- ^ Critical Kali Code, Residents Ordered Expels . Friday, November 5, 2010 | 18:23 pm
- ^ Fajar Pratama. tmcpoldametro: Number of Victims Killed 275 People Merapi . detikNews. Thursday's edition, 18/11/2010.
External links
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(English) Satellite Images eruption May 11, 2006 | |
(English) 2010 eruptions of Mount Merapi Gallery |
- (Indonesia) Map volcano Merapi map is based upon the villages and hamlets and radius safety zone; 5 km, 10 km, 15 km and 20 km.
- (Indonesia) Information mountains on the website of the Directorate of Volcanology Indonesia
- (Indonesia) round Merapi Information Network (JALIN Merapi)
- (Indonesia) Mount Merapi Information
- (English) Film 2010 eruption
- (English) Information at the site of the Smithsonian Institution mountain
- (English) Information and photos
- (English) Information and photos
- (Indonesia) Merapi in the framework of tourism