From Dieng Plateau with Love : Season 2 (Budaya dan Candi Dataran Tinggi Dieng)
Tinggi Dieng, dengan semua ragam budaya dan keadaan alam yang sangat
indah mengugah semua Petualang untuk menjadikan tempat ini menjadi salah
satu jejak yang harus di torehkan di antara semua tempat yang menarik.
Setelah sedikit mengulas tentang Dataran Tinggi Dieng (Dieng Plateau) tentang alam,
sejenak untuk lebih menjelajah tentang budaya dan berbagai macam
penginggalan sejarah yang sangat memukau dan luar biasa untuk
disaksikan. Tidak ada salahnya sebentar untuk menenggok tentang Dataran
Tinggi Dieng. Dieng adalah dataran tinggi di Jawa Tengah, yang merupakan wilayah Kabupaten Banjarnegara dan sebagian masuk di Kabupaten Wonosobo. Letaknya hanya beberapa kilometer ke arah barat dari kompleks gunung kembar Gunung Sindoro dan Gunung Sumbing. Nama Dieng sendiri berasal dari Bahasa Kawi (jawa kuno) : “di” yang bermakna “tempat” atau “gunung” dan “Hyang” yang bermakna Dewa. Maka Dieng bisa berarti daerah pegunungan tempat para dewa dan dewi bersemayam.
Dataran Tinggi Dieng selain alam yang indah,
beberapa tempat menarik yang berkait dengan budaya dan candi bisa
didapatkan di Dieng. Tempat tersebut berkumpul dalam satu komplek
disekitar Kejajar. Sebelum mengulas tentang candi ada beberapa tempat
tentang alam yang sangat bagus untuk dikunjungi, simak dulu.
Goa Jaran dan Goa Sumur, Goa Jaran dan Goa Sumur merupakan obyek yang terdapat disekitar kawasan Telaga warna.
Goa jaran bentuknya sangat sempit sehingga tidak cukup muat ketika 2
orang berpapasan ketika dalam goa. Goa ini cenderung terbuka di
bandingkan dengan goa-goa yang lain seperti goa semar
dan gua sumur. Bisa jadi goa ini mempunyai ujung yang berada di sebelah
belakangnya. Memang beberapa orang mencoba untuk masuk, dilihat dari
beberapa jejak kaki yang terdapat di mulut gua hingga agak masuk ke
dalam goa. Walaupun aktivitas tersebut tidak terlalu di anjurkan karena
ketidaktauan medan goa. Sementara Goa sumur juga tertutup untuk umum,
pintu goa yang di kunci rapat sedemikan rupa sehingga Petualang hanya
bisa melihat dari mulut gua. Namun itu tidak menjadi masalah karena
memang kondisi Goa yang sangat gelap dan sempit untuk menjelajah masuk.
Toh keindahan alam telaga warna dan Telaga Pengilon bisa menjadi pengobat yang sangat manjur.
Kawah Candradimuka.
Kawah ini letaknya agak jauh dari Kejajar dan komplek candi.
Candradimuka merupakan nama kawah dari cerita pewayangan mahabharata
dalam kisah Gatotkaca Lahir. Dimana dalam cerita tersebut, kawah
candradimuka letaknya di atas gunung dan sangat panas, yang digunakan
untuk tempat pengemblengan (drill) Gatotkaca muda.
Hampir sama seperti cerita tersebut maka Kawah Candradimuka juga berada
di tempat tinggi dan sangat panas karena mengeluarkan asap belerang dari
kawahnya. Kawah Candradimuka berbentuk memanjang dan mengikuti aliran
sungai. Kawah ini berasal dari sesar yang mengeluarkan uap panas, air
panas, belerang dan lumpur. Aktivitas pemanasan berasal dari hidrotermal
sisa gunung Jimat yang diperkirakan tidak aktif lagi ketika jaman
kuarter tengah. Kawah ini sangat mirip dengan kawah yang berada di Candi Gedong Songo Ungaran.
sama dengan kawah Sikidang, yang mengeluarkan asap pada bebatuan
sekitarnya dan memunculkan air panas yang berbau belerang. Kawah
Candradimuka juga menunjukan aktivitas yang sama. Untuk mencapai Kawah
Candradimuka tidak di anjurkan untuk memakai mobil (daily car). Kondisi ketika terakhir penulis kesana (2011) jalannya memang sangat tidak layak untuk dilewati kecuali kendaraan bermotor roda 2
dan sejenis jeep, itupun kendaraannya harus benar-benar dalam kondisi
yang fit dan prima. Petualangpun harus ekstra hati-hati dan sabar ketika
hendak menuju kesana. Jalannya merupakan jalanan berbatu yang sangat
keras dan kasar. Tikungan yang tajam dan menanjak juga merupakan
hambatan yang menarik untuk diperhatikan. Beberapa truk pengangkut
pupuk juga lalu lalang menghantarkan dari bawah ke atas gunung, memang
jalanan ini sangat layak untuk sejenis kendaraan seperti truk.
Sumur Jalatunda.
Hanya beberapa menit dari komplek utama dan Kejajar, petualang bisa
menemukan sumur berwarna hijau lumut dan besar. Cukup mudah untuk menuju
ke Sumur Jalatunda, jalanan yang layak dan mulus untuk dilewati semua
pengendara. Untuk tiket masukpun murah hanya sekitar Rp. 3.000,- dan
ditambah biaya parkir. Hanya melangkah melewati tangga beberapa meter
Petualang bisa mendapati sebuah sumur yang sangat eksotis. Diperkirakan
sumur ini juga merupakan sebuah cekungan kawah air panas hanya saja
sudah mengalami masa aktif sehingga hanya tersisa genangan air yang
tidak panas. Karena bentuknya memang mirip sumur makan Petualang tidak
bisa masuk mendekati sumur dan hanya bisa menikmati keindahan sumur dari
atas bibir sumur saja. Tidak masalah bukan, pemandangan disekitarnya
juga apik untuk dilihat.
Walaupun menjadi tempat andalan Dataran
Tinggi Dieng, Sumur Jalatunda tidak terlalu ramai seperti di Dieng 1.
Bisa jadi karena letaknya yang relatif sangat jauh dari Kejajar
dibandingkan tempat yang lainnya. Di sumur Jalatunda memang tidak
seperti tempat yang lain bebas melihat dari berbagai sisi. Sementara di
sumur Jalatunda sendiri hanya disediakan ruangan sekitar 10 meter
sebagai tempat untuk melihat keadaan sumur Jalatunda tersebut.
Candi-Candi Di Dataran Tinggi Dieng. Candi
merupakan tempat untuk melakukan persembahan dan berdoa kepada dewa
kala itu. Beberapa prasasti yang ditemukan menunjukan bahwa masyarakat
ketika itu merupakan penganut Siwa. Salah satunya adalah prasasti
Widihati yang ditemukan di Gunung Pangonan. Prasasti ini menorehkan
beberapa coretan kecil bahwa tanah di Dieng merupakan Sima (tanah
merdeka), maksudnya adalah hasil bumi diperuntukkan untuk Siwa. Dilihat
dari bentuknya hampir semua candi di Dataran Tinggi Dieng merupakan
candi Hindu. Hal itu bisa dilihat dari bentuknya yang mengkerucut kecil
ke atas dan beberapa ornamen yang berada di dalamnya. Berbeda dengan
kabanyakan bentuk candi-candi Budha yang tersebar di Jawa, dimana bentuk
candi Budha lebih cenderung datar dan melebar walaupun mengkerucut ke
atas seperti candi Borobudur di Magelang dan Candi Sari di Jogjakarta.
Ciri khas bentuk kebudayaan candi hindu adalah ornamen yang menghiasi bangunan candi tersebut seperti pipi tangga yang berada di kanan dan kiri anak tangga. Makara,
adalah hiasan yang berada di sebelah kanan dan kiri bawah letaknya
berada di pintu masuk. Kala, merupakan ornamen yang berada persis di
atas pintu candi biasanya bentuknya wajah raksasa. Yoni dan Lingga,
Yoni merupakan pengambaran dari aspek feminim atau wanita sementara
Lingga merupakan simbol dari maskulin lelaki dimana keduanya merupakan
pengambaran atas kesuburan dan simbol penciptaan, yoni dan Lingga
tersebut bermakna bahwa di tanah tersebut berharap untuk selalu mendapat
kesuburan. Biasanya Yoni dan Lingga ditempatkan dalam satu tempat
berada di dalam tengah candi sementara di antara keduanya terdapat
aliran air di bawahnya yang disebut dengan sumuran. Selain itu ciri yang lain adanya menara sudut yang berada di atas pojok 4 bagian dari badan candi bersebelahan dengan relung atap candi (atasnya kala). Juga kemuncak yang merupakan ujung paling atas sebuah candi.
Candi Bima.
Bentuknya sangat besar dan tinggi, candi ini berbeda bentuknya dengan
candi-candi di Dataran Tinggi Dieng yang lainnya yang mengkerucut kecil
ke atas. Sementara candi Bima lebih datar di bagian atas. Candi Bima
merupakan candi yang sangat tua, diperkirakan dibangun sekitar abad ke 7
sampai 8. Dilihat dari bentuknya candi Bima sangat dipengaruhi oleh
kebudayaan India. Bentuk candi Bima hampir mirip dengan candi
Bubhaneswar yang berada di India. Bentuknya yang lebih cenderung kotak
diyakini merupakan hasil perkembangan dari kuil dengan bentuk shikara (menara bertingkat).
Bima letaknya sangat dekat dengan Kejajar. Petualang akan menemukan
candi ini ketika hendak menuju ke kawah Sikidang persis di pertigaan
antara komplek candi Arjuna dan Kawah Sikidang.
Candi Bima ini hanya berdiri sendiri berjauhan dengan candi-candi yang
lain yang berada di Dataran Tinggi Dieng. Walaupun begitu candi Bima
sangat eksotis dan menarik, bentuk dan arsitektur yang sangat mengah
merupakan nilai tersendiri dari sebuah bangunan sejarah. Pintu candi
bima yang berbeda dengan candi yang lain juga menjadi keunikan
tersendiri. Beberapa Petualang lebih banyak melewatkan situs candi Bima
ini, sehingga terkesan menjadi situs candi yang tidak terlalu fenomenal.
Candi Gatotkaca.
Hampir sama dengan ayahnya, candi Bima. Candi Gatotkaca juga memiliki
ciri yang sangat unik dan berbeda dengan candi yang lain. Hal itu nampak
berbeda dilihat dari ciri-ciri candi Hindu kebanyakan yang mengkerucut
(kemuncak) ke atas. Dilihat dari bantuknya candi Gatotkaca besar dan
kotak seperti situs Bima namun lebih kecil dan ramping. Candi ini mudah
ditemukan karena letaknya persis di pinggir jalan berseberangan dengan
Museum Kaliasa yang berada di depannya. Letaknya juga berada di pintu
masuk candi komplek candi Arjuna.
Sama dengan kondisi ayahnya, candi Gatotkaca juga bukan merupakan
tempat pilihan utama dari Dataran Tinggi Dieng. Walaupun begitu, candi
Gatotkaca sangat indah untuk dilewatkan begitu saja oleh para Petualang.
Candi Setiyaki.
Candi ini hanya beberapa meter dari candi Gatotkaca dan Komplek candi
Arjuna. Apabila petualang hendak menuju komplek candi Arjuna,disarankan
untuk mampir melihat eloknya candi Setiyaki. Bentuknya lebih persegi dan
kecil dibandingkan dengan candi Gatotkaca. Beberapa bangunan candi ini
nampaknya telah tidak berada di tempatnya, entah belum di temukan atau
di bawa ke museum. Candi Setiyaki merupakan perpaduan yang khas,
bentuknya kotak namun cenderung mengkerucut ke atas. Mirip dengan situs
candi Gebang yang berada di Jogjakarta.
Untuk menuju candi Setiyaki memang harus melangkah dan berjalan kaki
lebih jauh. Bukan jadi masalah, terik matahari yang silau terkalahkan
dengan sejuknya alam dan udara Dieng.
Candi Arjuna.
Komplek candi Arjuna berada persis di tengah Kejajar bersebelahan
dengan Candi Gatotkaca, Museum Kaliasa, Candi Setiyaki dan Desa Kejajar.
Candi ini berjumlah 5 buah dengan arsitektur yang sangat indah. Bentuk
candi arjuna sangat umum di temui pada ciri khas kebudayaan candi Hindu
di Jawa. Jumlanya yang banyak menjadikan candi Arjuna sangat menarik
untuk di kujungi. Persamaan jumlah dan bentuk candi arjuna bisa di
temukan di situs Candi Gedong Songo Ungaran
tepatnya berada di candi ke-3 dan candi Ijo yang berada di Jogjakarta.
Dimana di Candi 3 Gedong Songo nampak 2 buah candi Utama didepanya
terdapat tempat pemujaan yang lain yang berbentuk balok persegi panjang.
Sementara Candi Ijo juga nampak sama dengan 1 buah candi utama yang
besar di depannya terdapat 3 candi kecil yang berbentuk kotak namun
lebih mengkerucut ke atas.
Candi Arjuna merupakan tempat utama
perjalanan ke Dataran Tinggi Dieng, istilanya candi arjuna menjadi
persingahan yang utama dibandingkan dengan tempat yang lain. Candi ini
berada di lingkaran Dieng 1. Dikelilingi oleh danau dan persawahan
kentang menambah daya tarik tersendiri. Tempatnya sangat bersih dan
nyaman untuk di kunjungi.
Dieng Plateau Theater (DPT).
Merupakan pengambaran sederhana tentang Dataran Tinggi Dieng.
Didalamnya Petualang bisa melihat film dokumenter tentang sejarah
terbentuknya Dataran Tinggi Dieng dan Kebudayaannya.
Masuk ke DPT, petualang akan lebih memahami tentang Dataran Tinggi
Dieng secara umum. Untuk masuk ke DPT petualang hanya menunjukan Tiket
Terusan yang di beli ketika akan masuk ke komple Dieng 1 seharga Rp.
12.000,-. Namun apabila Petualang lupa untuk membeli tiket terusan, bisa
juga membeli tiket di DPT seharga Rp. 5.000,-. Masih banyak tempat
menarik yang berada di Dataran Tinggi Dieng yang terlewatkan. Petualang
bisa menjelajah dan eksplore suka-suka disekitar Dieng Plateau. Apabila
Petualang masih kebingungan dengan Dieng silakan download peta sederhana
yang bisa langsung di cetak KLIK DISINI.
From Dieng Plateau with Love: Season 2 (Culture and Temple Dieng Plateau)
Dieng Plateau, with all the diverse culture and beautiful natural state mengugah all adventurers to make this place into one of the traces to be in torehkan among all the places of interest. After a little about the Dieng Plateau (Dieng Plateau) of nature, a moment for more roam about the culture and history of various kinds penginggalan very fascinating and incredible to behold. There is no harm in a little while to menenggok about Dieng Plateau. Dieng is a plateau in Central Java, which is a region of Banjarnegara and partially entered in Wonosobo regency. It is located just a few kilometers to the west of the complex mountain twin Sindoro and Sumbing. Dieng name itself comes from the Kawi language (ancient Javanese): "in" which means "place" or "mountain" and "Hyang" which means god. So Dieng could mean mountainous region where the gods and goddesses residing.
Dieng Plateau in addition to beautiful nature, some interesting places related to the culture and temples can be found in Dieng. The gathering place in a complex around Kejajar. Before the review of the temple there are several places of nature that is very nice to visit, consider first.
Well Jaran and Goa Goa, Goa and Goa Jaran well as objects that are around the area of lake colors. Goa horse shape is very narrow so it does not quite fit when two people cross paths when the cave. Goa is likely to open in compare with other caves such as cave and cavern wells PLANTS. It may be that this cave has a tip which is located on the back. Indeed, some people are trying to get in, judging from some of the footprints were found at the mouth of the cave until slightly into the cave. Although these activities are not too at the recommended because ketidaktauan cave terrain. While Goa wells are also closed to the public, the cave door in such a way that the key meeting Adventurers can only see from the mouth of the cave. But it does not matter because it is the condition of Goa are very dark and narrow entrance to roam. After all the natural beauty of the lake colors and Pengilon can be a very potent healers.
Candradimuka crater. The crater is located some distance away from Kejajar and temple complex. Candradimuka a crater name of puppet story in the Mahabharata story Born Ghatotkacha. Where in the story, churning located on top of the mountain and very hot, which is used to place pengemblengan (drill) young Ghatotkacha. The story is almost the same as the crater Candradimuka also be at high and very hot due to sulfur fumes from the crater. Candradimuka elongated crater and follow the river. The crater is derived from the faults that emit steam, hot water, sulfur and mud. Activity derived from hydrothermal heating Talisman estimated residual mountain no longer active when the era middle quarter. The crater is very similar to the crater that is located in Gedong Songo Ungaran.
Similar to the crater Sikidang, which emits smoke in the surrounding rocks and bring hot water that smelled of sulfur. Crater Candradimuka also showed the same activity. To reach the crater Candradimuka under no obligation to use the car (car daily). Condition when the last writer towards (2011) the course is very unfit to be passed unless the motor vehicle wheel 2 and type jeep, and even then the vehicle must be really in a fit condition and primed. Petualangpun must be extra careful and patient when they wanted to get there. The road is a gravel road is very loud and rude. Sharp bends and uphill is also an obstacle that is interesting to note. Some trucks delivering fertilizer also passing from the bottom to the top of the mountain, this street is very feasible for similar vehicles such as trucks.
Jalatunda wells. Just a few minutes from the main complex and Kejajar, adventurers can find wells and large green moss. Quite easy to get to the Well Jalatunda, decent roads and smooth to pass all the riders. For tickets cheap masukpun only around Rp. 3000, - and plus parking fees. Just a few meters past the stairs step Adventurers can find a very exotic wells. It is estimated that the well is also a crater basin of hot water just been experiencing active period so that the only remaining pool of water that is not hot. Because of its shape is similar to the well eat Adventurers can not get closer to the well and could only enjoy the beauty of the well from the top edge of the well alone. No problem is not, the surrounding scenery is also neat to see.
Although it became a mainstay of the Dieng Plateau, well Jalatunda not too crowded like in Dieng 1. It could be because it is relatively very far from Kejajar compared to other places. In Jalatunda wells is not like any other place free view from all sides. While in the well Jalatunda itself only provided the room about 10 feet as a place to see the state of the Jalatunda wells.
Temples in the Dieng Plateau. The temple is a place to make offerings and pray to god that time. Some inscriptions show that the public when it is a follower of Shiva. One of them is the inscription Widihati found in Mount Pangonan. This inscription incised some small streaks that land in Dieng is Sima (free land), the intention is to produce dedicated to Shiva. Judging from the shape almost all the temples on the Dieng Plateau is a Hindu temple. It can be seen from the shape of small mengkerucut up and some ornaments that are in it. Unlike the kabanyakan form Buddhist temples in Java, where Buddhist temples are more likely to form a flat and wide although mengkerucut upward like Borobudur temple in Magelang and Sari temple in Jogjakarta.
Characteristic of the Hindu temple of culture is the ornaments that adorn the temple buildings like cheek stairs are located on the right and left of the stairs. Makara, is an ornament that is on the right and bottom left to be located at the entrance. Kala, is the ornaments that are just above the door of the temple usually form a giant face. Yoni and Linga, Yoni is pengambaran of feminine aspect or woman while the phallus is a symbol of masculine men where both are pengambaran on fertility and symbol creation, Yoni and Linga implies that in the land of hope to always get fertility. Yoni and Linga usually placed in one place is in the middle of the temple while in between there is a flow of water in the bottom, which is called by pitting. In addition, another feature of the existence of the corner towers above the corner of the 4 parts of the body temple adjacent to the recesses of the temple roof (it when). Also waterless which is the top end of a temple.
Bima temple. The shape is very large and high, this temple is different form the temples on the Dieng Plateau are other small mengkerucut up. While Bima temple is flat at the top. Bima temple is very old temple, is built around the 7th century until 8. Judging from the shape of the temple Milky greatly influenced by Indian culture. The shape is almost similar to the Milky temple Bubhaneswar temple located in India. The form is more likely the box is believed to be the result of the development of the temple with the form shikara (story tower).
Bima temple is located very close to the Kejajar. Adventurers will find this temple when going to the crater Sikidang exactly at the junction between Arjuna temple complex and Sikidang Crater. Bima temple is just a stand-alone, away from the other temples located in the Dieng Plateau. However temple Milky very exotic and interesting, shape and architecture very mengah is a value of a historical building. Temple door bima different with other temples also be unique. Some more adventurous Milky skip this temple site, so impressed into the temple sites that are not too phenomenal.
Gatotkaca. Almost the same with his father, Bima temple. Ghatotkacha temple also has a very unique characteristics and different from other temples. It appears to be different views of the characteristics of many Hindu temples that mengkerucut (waterless) upwards. Judging from the large Ghatotkacha bantuknya temple and a box like the Milky site but smaller and slimmer. This temple is easy to find because it is located exactly on the edge of the road opposite the Museum Kaliasa in front of her. Also located at the entrance of the temple Arjuna temple complex. Same with the condition of his father, the temple is also not a place Ghatotkacha ultimate choice of the Dieng Plateau. However, the temple is very beautiful Ghatotkacha to pass away by the Adventurers.
Setiyaki temple. The temple is just a few meters from the temple and temple complex Ghatotkacha Arjuna. When adventurers were heading Arjuna temple complex, it is advisable to stop seeing the exquisite temples Setiyaki. The shape is square and small compared to the temple Ghatotkacha. Some of the buildings of the temple seems to have not been in place, either not found or brought to the museum. The temple is a blend of typical Setiyaki, but tend mengkerucut box shape up. Similar to the temple site Gebang in Jogjakarta. To reach the temple Setiyaki must step up and walk farther. Not a problem, scorching sun glare unbeaten with nature and the air cool Dieng.
Arjuna. Arjuna temple complex located right in the center adjacent to the temple Kejajar Ghatotkacha, Kaliasa Museum, Temple Setiyaki and Kejajar village. This temple 5 fruit with a very beautiful architecture. Arjuna temple form is very common in the encounter on the typical culture of Hindu temple in Java. Jumlanya that many make Arjuna temple is very interesting to kujungi. Equation number and shape of Arjuna temple can be found on the website Gedong Songo Ungaran precisely located on the 3rd temple and temple Ijo in Jogjakarta. Where in 3 Gedong Songo Temple appears 2 Main didepanya temples are places of worship of other rectangular shaped beam. While Ijo Temple also appear together with one large main temples in front of it there are three small temples are boxy but more mengkerucut up.
Arjuna is the main place trip to Dieng Plateau, istilanya temple persingahan main arjuna be compared with other places. This temple is located in the circle Dieng 1. Surrounded by lakes and paddy potato adds its own charm. Very clean and comfortable place to visit.
Dieng Plateau Theater (DPT). A simple pengambaran on the Dieng Plateau. Inside Adventurers can see a documentary about the history of the formation of the Dieng Plateau and Cultural Meaning. Sign in to DPT, adventurers will be better informed on the Dieng Plateau in general. To get into the DPT adventurous Season Ticket which shows only be purchased when going into the komple Dieng 1 for Rp. 12.000, -. But if Adventurers forget to buy season tickets, can also buy tickets at the DPT for Rp. 5000, -. There are many other interesting places that are in the Dieng Plateau missed. Adventurers can explore and explored like-like around the Dieng Plateau. If Adventurers still confusion with Dieng please download a simple map that can directly print CLICK HERE.
Dieng Plateau, with all the diverse culture and beautiful natural state mengugah all adventurers to make this place into one of the traces to be in torehkan among all the places of interest. After a little about the Dieng Plateau (Dieng Plateau) of nature, a moment for more roam about the culture and history of various kinds penginggalan very fascinating and incredible to behold. There is no harm in a little while to menenggok about Dieng Plateau. Dieng is a plateau in Central Java, which is a region of Banjarnegara and partially entered in Wonosobo regency. It is located just a few kilometers to the west of the complex mountain twin Sindoro and Sumbing. Dieng name itself comes from the Kawi language (ancient Javanese): "in" which means "place" or "mountain" and "Hyang" which means god. So Dieng could mean mountainous region where the gods and goddesses residing.
Dieng Plateau in addition to beautiful nature, some interesting places related to the culture and temples can be found in Dieng. The gathering place in a complex around Kejajar. Before the review of the temple there are several places of nature that is very nice to visit, consider first.
Well Jaran and Goa Goa, Goa and Goa Jaran well as objects that are around the area of lake colors. Goa horse shape is very narrow so it does not quite fit when two people cross paths when the cave. Goa is likely to open in compare with other caves such as cave and cavern wells PLANTS. It may be that this cave has a tip which is located on the back. Indeed, some people are trying to get in, judging from some of the footprints were found at the mouth of the cave until slightly into the cave. Although these activities are not too at the recommended because ketidaktauan cave terrain. While Goa wells are also closed to the public, the cave door in such a way that the key meeting Adventurers can only see from the mouth of the cave. But it does not matter because it is the condition of Goa are very dark and narrow entrance to roam. After all the natural beauty of the lake colors and Pengilon can be a very potent healers.
Candradimuka crater. The crater is located some distance away from Kejajar and temple complex. Candradimuka a crater name of puppet story in the Mahabharata story Born Ghatotkacha. Where in the story, churning located on top of the mountain and very hot, which is used to place pengemblengan (drill) young Ghatotkacha. The story is almost the same as the crater Candradimuka also be at high and very hot due to sulfur fumes from the crater. Candradimuka elongated crater and follow the river. The crater is derived from the faults that emit steam, hot water, sulfur and mud. Activity derived from hydrothermal heating Talisman estimated residual mountain no longer active when the era middle quarter. The crater is very similar to the crater that is located in Gedong Songo Ungaran.
Similar to the crater Sikidang, which emits smoke in the surrounding rocks and bring hot water that smelled of sulfur. Crater Candradimuka also showed the same activity. To reach the crater Candradimuka under no obligation to use the car (car daily). Condition when the last writer towards (2011) the course is very unfit to be passed unless the motor vehicle wheel 2 and type jeep, and even then the vehicle must be really in a fit condition and primed. Petualangpun must be extra careful and patient when they wanted to get there. The road is a gravel road is very loud and rude. Sharp bends and uphill is also an obstacle that is interesting to note. Some trucks delivering fertilizer also passing from the bottom to the top of the mountain, this street is very feasible for similar vehicles such as trucks.
Jalatunda wells. Just a few minutes from the main complex and Kejajar, adventurers can find wells and large green moss. Quite easy to get to the Well Jalatunda, decent roads and smooth to pass all the riders. For tickets cheap masukpun only around Rp. 3000, - and plus parking fees. Just a few meters past the stairs step Adventurers can find a very exotic wells. It is estimated that the well is also a crater basin of hot water just been experiencing active period so that the only remaining pool of water that is not hot. Because of its shape is similar to the well eat Adventurers can not get closer to the well and could only enjoy the beauty of the well from the top edge of the well alone. No problem is not, the surrounding scenery is also neat to see.
Although it became a mainstay of the Dieng Plateau, well Jalatunda not too crowded like in Dieng 1. It could be because it is relatively very far from Kejajar compared to other places. In Jalatunda wells is not like any other place free view from all sides. While in the well Jalatunda itself only provided the room about 10 feet as a place to see the state of the Jalatunda wells.
Temples in the Dieng Plateau. The temple is a place to make offerings and pray to god that time. Some inscriptions show that the public when it is a follower of Shiva. One of them is the inscription Widihati found in Mount Pangonan. This inscription incised some small streaks that land in Dieng is Sima (free land), the intention is to produce dedicated to Shiva. Judging from the shape almost all the temples on the Dieng Plateau is a Hindu temple. It can be seen from the shape of small mengkerucut up and some ornaments that are in it. Unlike the kabanyakan form Buddhist temples in Java, where Buddhist temples are more likely to form a flat and wide although mengkerucut upward like Borobudur temple in Magelang and Sari temple in Jogjakarta.
Characteristic of the Hindu temple of culture is the ornaments that adorn the temple buildings like cheek stairs are located on the right and left of the stairs. Makara, is an ornament that is on the right and bottom left to be located at the entrance. Kala, is the ornaments that are just above the door of the temple usually form a giant face. Yoni and Linga, Yoni is pengambaran of feminine aspect or woman while the phallus is a symbol of masculine men where both are pengambaran on fertility and symbol creation, Yoni and Linga implies that in the land of hope to always get fertility. Yoni and Linga usually placed in one place is in the middle of the temple while in between there is a flow of water in the bottom, which is called by pitting. In addition, another feature of the existence of the corner towers above the corner of the 4 parts of the body temple adjacent to the recesses of the temple roof (it when). Also waterless which is the top end of a temple.
Bima temple. The shape is very large and high, this temple is different form the temples on the Dieng Plateau are other small mengkerucut up. While Bima temple is flat at the top. Bima temple is very old temple, is built around the 7th century until 8. Judging from the shape of the temple Milky greatly influenced by Indian culture. The shape is almost similar to the Milky temple Bubhaneswar temple located in India. The form is more likely the box is believed to be the result of the development of the temple with the form shikara (story tower).
Bima temple is located very close to the Kejajar. Adventurers will find this temple when going to the crater Sikidang exactly at the junction between Arjuna temple complex and Sikidang Crater. Bima temple is just a stand-alone, away from the other temples located in the Dieng Plateau. However temple Milky very exotic and interesting, shape and architecture very mengah is a value of a historical building. Temple door bima different with other temples also be unique. Some more adventurous Milky skip this temple site, so impressed into the temple sites that are not too phenomenal.
Gatotkaca. Almost the same with his father, Bima temple. Ghatotkacha temple also has a very unique characteristics and different from other temples. It appears to be different views of the characteristics of many Hindu temples that mengkerucut (waterless) upwards. Judging from the large Ghatotkacha bantuknya temple and a box like the Milky site but smaller and slimmer. This temple is easy to find because it is located exactly on the edge of the road opposite the Museum Kaliasa in front of her. Also located at the entrance of the temple Arjuna temple complex. Same with the condition of his father, the temple is also not a place Ghatotkacha ultimate choice of the Dieng Plateau. However, the temple is very beautiful Ghatotkacha to pass away by the Adventurers.
Setiyaki temple. The temple is just a few meters from the temple and temple complex Ghatotkacha Arjuna. When adventurers were heading Arjuna temple complex, it is advisable to stop seeing the exquisite temples Setiyaki. The shape is square and small compared to the temple Ghatotkacha. Some of the buildings of the temple seems to have not been in place, either not found or brought to the museum. The temple is a blend of typical Setiyaki, but tend mengkerucut box shape up. Similar to the temple site Gebang in Jogjakarta. To reach the temple Setiyaki must step up and walk farther. Not a problem, scorching sun glare unbeaten with nature and the air cool Dieng.
Arjuna. Arjuna temple complex located right in the center adjacent to the temple Kejajar Ghatotkacha, Kaliasa Museum, Temple Setiyaki and Kejajar village. This temple 5 fruit with a very beautiful architecture. Arjuna temple form is very common in the encounter on the typical culture of Hindu temple in Java. Jumlanya that many make Arjuna temple is very interesting to kujungi. Equation number and shape of Arjuna temple can be found on the website Gedong Songo Ungaran precisely located on the 3rd temple and temple Ijo in Jogjakarta. Where in 3 Gedong Songo Temple appears 2 Main didepanya temples are places of worship of other rectangular shaped beam. While Ijo Temple also appear together with one large main temples in front of it there are three small temples are boxy but more mengkerucut up.
Arjuna is the main place trip to Dieng Plateau, istilanya temple persingahan main arjuna be compared with other places. This temple is located in the circle Dieng 1. Surrounded by lakes and paddy potato adds its own charm. Very clean and comfortable place to visit.
Dieng Plateau Theater (DPT). A simple pengambaran on the Dieng Plateau. Inside Adventurers can see a documentary about the history of the formation of the Dieng Plateau and Cultural Meaning. Sign in to DPT, adventurers will be better informed on the Dieng Plateau in general. To get into the DPT adventurous Season Ticket which shows only be purchased when going into the komple Dieng 1 for Rp. 12.000, -. But if Adventurers forget to buy season tickets, can also buy tickets at the DPT for Rp. 5000, -. There are many other interesting places that are in the Dieng Plateau missed. Adventurers can explore and explored like-like around the Dieng Plateau. If Adventurers still confusion with Dieng please download a simple map that can directly print CLICK HERE.